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About 202 Area Code:
The 202 area code serves around 690,000 residents in Washington, D.C., a hub of American politics and government activities. Established by AT&T in 1947, the 202 area code is closely linked to prominent governmental institutions, including Capitol Hill and the National Mall. Area code 202 situated east of the Potomac River between Virginia and Maryland, operates within the Eastern Time Zone. Given its historical and political significance, the 202 area code is highly recognizable nationwide.
For this reason, scammers often exploit this well-known area code to pose as government officials or trusted entities. They can use techniques like caller ID spoofing, which manipulates the caller ID to display a local number, creating a false sense of security. To identify these fraudulent calls, use ReversePhone, we cross-reference searched numbers with our extensive databases. If the 202 number matches a flagged entry, the report will alert you.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
7:22:44 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-4 |
(202) 990-1564
Total searches: 3559
(202) 990-1565
Total searches: 2291
(202) 226-9928
Total searches: 2216
(202) 456-1111
Total searches: 2158
(202) 978-9960
Total searches: 1815
(202) 519-5148
Total searches: 1604
(202) 821-0144
Total searches: 1010
(202) 304-1075
Total searches: 995
(202) 713-5658
Total searches: 923
(202) 456-1414
Total searches: 914
(202) 221-2213
Total searches: 842
(202) 697-9592
Total searches: 830
(202) 967-1871
Total searches: 794
(202) 697-9496
Total searches: 751
(202) 539-8991
Total searches: 721
District of Columbia
ZIP Codes:
3 zip codes Found Check all codes
In the 202 area code, FCC complaints show significant changes from 2014 to 2024. Complaints made through wireless/mobile methods peaked in 2015 but have decreased since then. Wired complaints have also declined over the years. In contrast, complaints related to VOIP have risen notably, especially as we near 2024. This trend highlights the evolving nature of telecommunications issues in the area, reflecting how consumer experiences are shifting with changes in technology.
In the 202 area code, complaints about unwanted calls have changed over time. Telemarketing complaints were at their highest in 2015, while unwanted calls increased sharply from 2016 to 2018. More recently, these complaints have declined, but they have not disappeared entirely, with some complaints continuing into 2024. Overall, the issue of unwanted calls remains a problem for residents.
The 202 area code has experienced fluctuations in FCC complaints over the years, particularly by the type of calls reported. Complaints about prerecorded voice calls reached their highest point in 2015, with 1,617 accounts, while live voice complaints peaked in 2017 at 1,470. There were no reports of abandoned call complaints in 2022 and 2023, showing a decline in that category. However, complaints about text messages have risen sharply, especially in 2024, suggesting a growing concern among residents about unwanted messaging.
The area code 202 shows a diverse racial makeup. Approximately 42.8% of the population is White, while 47.8% identifies as Black or African American. Asian individuals make up about 4.4% and those identified as Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander are around 0.1%. Additionally, around 5% of the population belongs to some other racial category.
Household income in the 202 area code has shown a consistent increase from 2012 to 2022, starting at approximately $73,657 and reaching around $107,030. During this period, the national median income also rose, but the 202 area code consistently maintained a higher income level compared to the national average. In 2018, for example, the income in this area peaked at $88,553, which was significantly above the national figure of $53,955. By 2022, the gap widened further, showcasing a median income well above the national average.
The area code 202 includes a total population of 670,587, made up of 320,797 males and 349,790 females. With a sex ratio of 91.7 males for every 100 females, this area has a higher female population compared to males. The median age is 34.8 years, reflecting a younger demographic than the national median age of 41.1 years. Only one county, the District of Columbia, is covered by this area code, which accounts for the entire population. Over the past decade, the population has steadily increased from 605,759 in 2012 to the current figure. A small dip in population occurred in 2021, but overall growth has continued. These population statistics can help in understanding the community's dynamics, highlighting a vibrant and youthful area. The gender distribution and age averages suggest varying needs and priorities within the population when compared to national averages.
Labor force participation in area code 202 has increased steadily, rising from 67.8% in 2012 to 72.0% in 2022. The employment-to-population ratio also improved, reaching a high of 66.3% in 2022, suggesting that more residents are finding jobs. The unemployment rate dropped from 10.5% in 2012 to 7.1% in 2022, indicating better job opportunities. Compared to national averages, area code 202 consistently showed stronger performance in all measured metrics during this period.
District of Columbia
Washington, DC
Donations for the Republican Party.
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