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Address: 123 Example Address, New York, NY, 10001
98040, 98062, 98101, 98102
Seattle, WA
47° 36' 28.47", -122° 19' 54.05"
The phone number (206) 203-5506 is located in or around Seattle, WA. This Landline number is registered through Onvoy. There have been 9 searches conducted for this number with 21 user comments as of latest received on February 1st, 2011. This number has a current spam score of 100%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
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This number has 21 spam reports
This number has a 100% spam score
This number has 21 comments
This number has 9 searches
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Phone Number | Carrier | Location | View Details |
(206) 922-0880 | Global Crossing | Seattle, WA | View Reports |
(206) 313-0004 | T-Mobile | Seattle, WA | View Reports |
(206) 338-7290 | Neutral Tandem | Seattle, WA | View Reports |
(206) 922-0865 | Global Crossing | Seattle, WA | View Reports |
(206) 508-4051 | Level 3 | Seattle, WA | View Reports |
(206) 203-5506
These people have been calling me for over a year now. They call my work as well. One of my co-workers messes with them by asking for the name of their company, who owns it, who's the attorney for the company, what's their EIN, etc. When I get the calls, I tell them to send me the paperwork - which I get the reply "F&^% You!". Yesterday, I was told I am a "professional beggar" and I was going to be arrested at my job TODAY at 11am. I didn't realize that there is such a charge as "professional beggar". I requested for "fuzzy handcuffs" since I didn't want my wrists to get hurt. A couple of weeks ago, I was threaten that I was going to be "capped like that congresswoman in Arizona". I've been threatened with rape, getting shot, and getting arrested. They have threatened to harm my family - kidnap them, harm them, or kill them. I tell them that all of my family is DEAD...which, unfortunately, is true. These people are nothing more than scammers - just keep reporting them to your local police, FBI, FTC, and attorney generals office.
(206) 203-5506
Sometimes this same thief with the East Indian or Pakistani accent changes his name to Sam Parker or a thousand other names that can't be matching his accent and says the same lies to steal money from you. He has been doing it for years and calls at work or anywhere else at 6 AM and all kinds of other times. The Federal Trade Commision can be called but we need to get his address to get this scumbag into prison.
(206) 203-5506
The same guy is sometimes Sam Parker this year. Nobody in Pakistan has any names like this guy claims to be. Same scam different names and phone numbers over the years and somehow this guy is not in prison.
(206) 203-5506
The same guy is sometimes Sam Parker this year. Nobody in Pakistan has any names like this guy claims to be. Same scam different names and phone numbers over the years and somehow this guy is not in prison.
(206) 203-5506
You didn't scare them. I got scammed by the 347 people and now this David Brown is calling leaving threatening messages. I'll call back, now I know what to say. You tell them to mail you something in writing and you will be glad to pay it. They have no paperwork so that ends it. Also when they call your job, report them for telephone harrassment.
(206) 203-5506
I get calls from them on my cell and at work...they were told not to call me at work and they still do and don't say anything...they just sit there. Also the name of "David Brown"...sorry anyone with his accent would not have a common name as David Brown!! I have a guy working on this that is trying to stop these scammers...they got $450 from me one time and this guy i'm talking to about it is working on getting my money back. I thought it was a debt so I paid!! Stupid me!! This David Brown when he leaves a message tells me that if I don't call him back immediately he will press charges and all he can say is he wishes me the best of luck if I don't call them back! They said they are a law firm by the name of LLC...this guy working on my case said there is no such firm called that.
(206) 203-5506
ya i called them back as well, and they told me the address was in brooklyn,ny. When i googled mapped it , it gave me some crappy apt place as well..plus the first giveaway that they are scammers is they use names like David Brown or Terry smith and so on, what heavily accented middle eastern people have those names anyways.
(206) 203-5506
Someone checked into it for me and they said the office is in New York like an apartment complex..they googled it and the phone number is in washington...explain that!
(206) 203-5506
Got a call from this scam business from a "David Brown", who says if i dont call them back or dont respond to them that they are pressing charges on me. I dont know who they are, but i talked to them at length and ask them what info they had on me and i they could repeat was everything..i just want to know where they are located cuz that kept giving me fake addresses..and here are other peeps w/ the same probs......http://whocallsme.com/Phone-Number.aspx/2062035506#p185088755443690851
(206) 203-5506
Got a call from this scam business from a "David Brown", who says if i dont call them back or dont respond to them that they are pressing charges on me. I dont know who they are, but i talked to them at length and ask them what info they had on me and i they could repeat was everything..i just want to know where they are located cuz that kept giving me fake addresses..and here are other peeps w/ the same probs......http://whocallsme.com/Phone-Number.aspx/2062035506#p185088755443690851
(206) 203-5506
I received another call today, Who are these idots??? I hung up because the call comes thru as unknown. I pushed the end button on my phone. Then he told me it was urgent, I said to myself sure it is. Then this Smith guys says it is of urgent matter, Sounds like all of us have the same thing in common, bothering us and harrassing us. Sorry my spelling is very good, but I am sure you understand. Thanks for listening. I wish i knew who to call.
(206) 203-5506
Please read the site below... and give out no personal info...http://getoutofdebt.org/14950/frightening-cal ... oans-its-a-scam
(206) 203-5506
i just left a reply up, but called them back and got there street address which was a fake of course http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&sugexp=ldym ... F-8&sa=N&tab=wl theres the link or u can google map 1451 Herkimer St Brooklyn, ny 11233 and get a pic of there fake a** company, if thats where they r really located
(206) 203-5506
I got the same call the last two days from a david brown as well, called me at exactly 8am this morning. It was david brown giving me my last warning and that my case was time sensitive. So, i talked to him and he keep telling me i had these 3 major charges filed against me(whatever) and that one of them was check fraud whatever. He gave me some fake email address that i had supposedly got a cash advance from. I kept asking him what my info was and he just kept telling me he knows everything thing, and they have everything. I just hung up but ya these guys really need to stop, someone should sue their a**es.
(206) 203-5506
I tried to fill out the online form from the Federal Trade Commission but it didn't work. I may call their number and go throught the pain of being on hold an hour since it seems worth it in the long run. That number is 1-877-382-4357. If these people robbed you before we all need to do something to run them out of business and into jail.
(206) 203-5506
Oh I've had the threats also. I really like it when they say if i don't call them back they wish me the best of luck cause i'm gonna need it. I called a guy that is working on another scam that got 450 out of me and they are checking into this number also. Said it sounds like the same people just a different name and number. Who has the name "David Brown" and has the foreign accent like they have!! Is that the name you guys are getting from this company also?
(206) 203-5506
Someone should call the Federal Trade Commission too and report them. Next time they call me I will just ask for the exact address of their office because the Attourney General wants to know where they are, and that they will be put in jail. These crooks call people at work and everywhere else and must be put out of the scam business.
(206) 203-5506
Also. Who can tell us what we need to say about them when they threaten.???
(206) 203-5506
I got it too and it sounds just like the criminals who ran this scam on me repeatedly over the years and keep doing it ----will someone from the Att Gen's office please go after these criminals????!!!
(206) 203-5506
i just got the same message like 3 minutes ago...
(206) 203-5506
I don't know who they are or what they want. Just say they are a law firm. I am so sick of these people calling me I told them they had the wrong number and hung up. This has been going on now for months.