San Joaquin
95201, 95202, 95203, 95204
Stockton, CA
37° 57' 25.63", -121° 17' 23.61"
The number (209) 808-1709 is a Mobile line managed by MetroPCS, hailing from Stockton, CA, or the surrounding area. For possible matches to additional data, please check below. If you received a spam call or text, you can help the community out by leaving a review or comment to help other people learn more about this number.
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People are Saying:
(209) 808-1709
He likes men
(209) 808-1709
Is awesome " ! God talked to him when " got 3 to 5 year old., Very old alma or spirit " ! 5 to 8 passed life 800 to 2000 or overtime" lifetime spirit ". Look at future " ! To 2 day " to 2 weeks in advance " !! But not so clearly. Very persuasive person " And so intuitive " .. Has a arc****el ' , a angel & devil what the***** controller . 4 successful exorcisms , ( not Vatican exorcist ) Look beyond the obvious " ., And his silence 'is a weapon " , When Mal is doing badly and he has his days, "But save that (there is no Evil that will not come for Good"), even if Evil goes and hurts., Save that was the best for the moment "!!, with errors human 'because! It is made of meat'. But not just any blood and not just any meat '! Sometimes you take names from your past lives "! ., The pact was to want to be Loved by the Most Beautiful Women on Earth or in the Earthly World 'when it is your turn to be a Man'. But to protect his family ', he would unprotect those outside his circle "and his circle is very big" as big "! As King David's!" So saved his life and that of the people around him '.. A***ham The man who gathers armies'. He who invokes the power of god !' Which of the enemies makes them alloyed ', A***ham the Pillar., A***ham coming "! A***ham a llegando " !