Los Angeles
90004, 90006, 90007, 90009
Los Angeles:DA, CA
34° 3' 1.01", -118° 15' 3.58"
The number (213) 861-2735 is a Landline line managed by Onvoy, hailing from Los Angeles:DA, CA, or the surrounding area. A total of 478 look-ups have been done for this number. 12 comments exist from users, with the freshest one posted on August 31st, 2022. This number holds a spam level of 90%. For additional in-depth data, look below.
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A phone number may have multiple owners due to a shared/family plan, or a transferral of ownership
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FraudScan Score
Fraud Risk
Legitimate User Activity
Likely a legitimate number (not fraud)
Valid Number
Prepaid Number
Active Status
Do not Call Status
Not On DNC List
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Potential SPAM / Scam Caller Please use caution!
User Score
Spam Score
90% Spam Risk
Leaked in Breach
Search Volume
Very High
478 Searches
by our users
Nuisance Call Scan
Unwanted Caller
9 Complaints
by our users
VoIP Number
Yes, Use Caution
Recent Abuse
Risk Level
This number has been reported as spam 9 times, has been searched 478 times, and has garnered 12 comments by our users. These numbers are higher than average, indicating a possible high risk of spam.
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People are Saying:
(213) 861-2735
Met on Online dating APP. Asked me to switch to WhatsApp then tried to get me to invest .
(213) 861-2735
Number provided by fake dating account
(213) 861-2735
(213) 861-2735
When I answer the phone, music plays, then the call ends. I called the number back, and—a***n, music just plays. I get this call everyday.
(213) 861-2735
They want me to pay a 10,000 pesos for unsure parcel
(213) 861-2735
I received a text saying I was sent $500 from an app I’ve never used.
(213) 861-2735
Wants money to be transferred to him. Says his daughter is sick and needs medical care. Please be very careful he is extremely convincing, I did not send any money but he us very convining. He will even se d pictures of a man and child claming to be him.
(213) 861-2735
Introduced himself as US soldier in Afganistan, wife died 4 year ago in an accident, said he has a 7year old daughter and is ready to s**** a relationship. Was very eager and straightforward saying he really wants me, I am his everything etc. I blocked him after few days. The words he used and communication and photos seems very much like a scam. Be careful.
(213) 861-2735
(213) 861-2735
It's a 100% scammer. They wanted money to get the delivery box. And they send me some internet downloaded pictures of dollars,
(213) 861-2735
Claimed my account was disabled due to incorrect or inappropriate content. Offered a link if I believed there was a mistake in this claim. Link: https:cutt.ly/SjXZPXP I verified that there was nothing wrong with my account and that I was not locked out by visiting the actual Amazon website.
(213) 861-2735
This person is possing as an attorney for Alston & Bird 560 Mission St San Francisco CA ***05 email: attorneylaw [email protected]