Antrim, Grand Traverse
49629, 49648
Elk Rapids, MI
44° 53' 42.52", -85° 25' 1"
Attempts to verify the phone number 2312647144 through our service have indicated that this phone number may be invalid, causing concerns about the reliability of the provided information.
Want to learn more? Check the (231) 264-7144 FAQ
A phone number may have multiple owners due to a shared/family plan, or a transferral of ownership
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FraudScan Score
Fraud Risk
Legitimate User Activity
Likely a legitimate number (not fraud)
Valid Number
Prepaid Number
Active Status
Do not Call Status
Not On DNC List
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Likely a Safe Caller
User Score
Spam Score
0% Spam Risk
Not Leaked
Search Volume
16 Searches
by our users
Nuisance Call Scan
Low Risk
0 Complaints
by our users
VoIP Number
Yes, Use Caution
Recent Abuse
Risk Level
This number has been reported as spam 0 times, has been searched 16 times, and has garnered 2 comments by our users. These numbers do not indicate a high potential spam risk, but report if suspected.
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People are Saying:
(231) 264-7144
Simple I’ll give you a phone number and you give me the person related to the phone number. Well number guru you ****. It is a phone number and it does belong with somebody you’re just a weak scam. Yeah, I said scam.
(231) 264-7144
Simple I’ll give you a phone number and you give me the person related to the phone number. Well number guru you ****. It is a phone number and it does belong with somebody you’re just a weak scam. Yeah, I said scam.