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About 248 Area Code:
The 248 area code is unique for many reasons. One of them occurred last year. In 2023, the region experienced a phenomenon not seen in six decades, according to the Census Bureau. For the first time since 1957, Detroit experienced population growth, although the number was less than 2,000.
The Detroit suburbs covered by the 248 area code are hubs for residential and commercial activities. The 248 area code is situated in southeastern Michigan, primarily covering Oakland County and portions of Wayne County. Major cities include Troy, Southfield, Pontiac, Farmington Hills, and Royal Oak. Area code 947 serves as an overlay for the 248 area, accommodating further demand.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
7:50:14 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-4 |
(248) 224-0128
Total searches: 1753
(248) 805-6727
Total searches: 999
(248) 265-3163
Total searches: 873
(248) 319-6077
Total searches: 861
(248) 873-0102
Total searches: 847
(248) 434-5508
Total searches: 792
(248) 993-6331
Total searches: 768
(248) 460-9204
Total searches: 680
(248) 970-8260
Total searches: 551
(248) 237-3551
Total searches: 505
(248) 793-1179
Total searches: 458
(248) 818-4463
Total searches: 406
(248) 716-7430
Total searches: 372
(248) 574-3849
Total searches: 336
(248) 572-3245
Total searches: 311
In area code 248, FCC complaints by call method have changed a lot from 2014 to 2024. Wireless and mobile complaints were highest in 2018, but have gone down since then. Wired complaints have also decreased significantly in recent years. VOIP complaints increased in 2020, but have since leveled off. These trends show how communication choices among people in this area are shifting.
In the 248 area code, complaints about unwanted calls have varied significantly over the years. Initially, in 2014, there were very few complaints, but this changed in 2015 when reports of telemarketing and robocalls surged. A sharp increase in complaints occurred in 2017, which was followed by a gradual decline in the following years. By 2023, the number of complaints had decreased considerably, although some issues with unwanted calls remain.
The 248 area code has experienced significant fluctuations in phone call complaints between 2014 and 2024. In 2015, complaints about prerecorded voices hit their highest level at 438. Complaints regarding abandoned calls peaked in 2017 at 188, but these have recently fallen to zero. Text message complaints had a high of 43 in 2018 but have also generally declined in the last few years.
The racial demographics in the 248 area code show that a majority of the population is White, making up about 70.68%. Black or African American individuals represent around 22.47% of the population. Asian residents account for approximately 5.13%, while Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander individuals are a very small part at 0.03%. Lastly, about 1.69% of the population identifies as Some Other Race.
The median household income in the 248 area code has shown a steady increase from 2012 to 2022, starting at approximately $69,140 and rising to around $100,602. Throughout this period, incomes in this area consistently remained higher than the national median income, which started at about $47,301 and reached $66,930 by 2022. The gap between the area code's income and the national average widened over the years, indicating a growing economic strength in the 248 area. In particular, the year 2022 saw a notable spike in local income compared to previous years.
The 248 area code covers a population of 5,040,988, with a slightly greater number of females (2,565,017) than males (2,475,971). This results in a sex ratio of about 99.36 males for every 100 females. The median age of residents stands at 40.65 years, which is similar to the national median age of 41.1 years. Wayne County is the most populated within this area code, home to 1,781,641 people, followed by Oakland County with 1,272,264 residents, and Macomb County, which has 878,453 inhabitants. This region includes a total of eight counties, showcasing a diverse demographic mix. Over the past decade, the population of the area has seen some ups and downs, reaching its highest point at 5,051,246 in 2021, before decreasing slightly to the current figure. The combination of a balanced gender distribution and a relatively mature population contributes to the unique character of the area. The community continues to evolve, reflecting broader trends seen throughout the nation.
Labor force participation rates in area code 248 have consistently ranged from 61.2% to 62.8% from 2012 to 2022. The employment to population ratio has shown an upward trend, reaching its highest point of 58.0% in 2019, while the unemployment rate dropped considerably from 12.89% in 2012 to 5.84% in 2022. By comparing these figures to national averages, area code 248 has performed better in both the employment to population ratio and the unemployment rate. Overall, these workforce statistics highlight significant improvements in employment conditions in this region.
Michigan (MI)
Detroit, MI
Did not respond , to voice mail. Needed a code , have no code to give .
I just keep getting voicemails from this number that keeps saying "please enter your password"
Stephanie was her name wanted money. Scam call
He s****ed singing Never Gonna Give You Up
Called about bed bugs.
They wouldn’t provide any information as to who they were. Called me numerous times and no voicemail or text. Told me they will take my name off the “list”. Then told me to have a great day and ***g up.
hi, I go to your school, I was wondering if you were single
Mine to!! *** get a life freak! This has all my calls forward to it to
ran this number and it's not the college at all. there number are code is a 855
They hacked my phone and downloaded my photos
They were from Homeland Security and I had been tracked about mail being received.
Notice of "pending action-service of process" random typed open paper in mailbox asking to call within 24hrs.
Harum quo eveniet reiciendis unde reprehenderit sequi. Quisquam corrupti fugiat sunt. Id esse est labore ut. Saepe aperiam quo doloribus voluptate tempore sed.
Aperiam quas non incidunt corporis exercitationem veniam quos. Fuga omnis quo facere at rerum qui ullam. Sunt modi cupiditate sunt nihil debitis quaerat odio. Officiis minus et reprehenderit enim vel.
Caller didn’t say anything