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About 251 Area Code:
This region is critical for Alabama, hosting key economic and cultural hubs such as Mobile, which is known for its historical significance and industrial contributions. The 251 area code covers southwestern Alabama, including Mobile, Baldwin, and Washington counties, as well as parts of six additional counties.
Major cities in this area are Mobile, with a population of roughly 190,000 and Daphne, which has about 30,000 residents. The total population within the 251 area code's coverage is approximately 790,223 people, spanning over 8,084.96 square miles.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
11:31:36 AM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-5 |
(251) 207-9003
Total searches: 1465
(251) 297-5743
Total searches: 964
(251) 290-4078
Total searches: 962
(251) 338-2155
Total searches: 889
(251) 263-2549
Total searches: 844
(251) 230-2593
Total searches: 732
(251) 216-1036
Total searches: 696
(251) 274-1637
Total searches: 690
(251) 263-8715
Total searches: 681
(251) 207-9002
Total searches: 526
(251) 357-2087
Total searches: 517
(251) 316-7305
Total searches: 479
(251) 513-8244
Total searches: 468
(251) 616-3753
Total searches: 430
(251) 281-3568
Total searches: 422
ZIP Codes:
85 zip codes Found Check all codes
In area code 251, FCC complaints have changed a lot from 2014 to 2024, depending on the method people use to reach out. Complaints from wireless/mobile users started at only 2 in 2014 and reached their highest point of 165 in 2018. Wired complaints grew slowly but started to drop in recent years. VOIP complaints have steadily increased, showing ups and downs, especially in the later years. This shows how different ways of communication are becoming popular among consumers in area code 251.
Complaints in the 251 area code show interesting trends in issues related to unwanted calls, telemarketing, and robocalls. In 2014, very few complaints were recorded, but a noticeable rise occurred in 2016 and 2017, especially for unwanted calls. Over the past few years, the number of unwanted calls has remained steady, while complaints about telemarketing and robocalls have significantly dropped, with no new telemarketing complaints reported since 2017. This suggests that residents have experienced fewer problems with telemarketing and robocalls in recent times.
Complaints to the FCC in the 251 area code have shown different trends over the years depending on the type of call people reported. In 2018, prerecorded voice complaints reached their highest point at 120, but those numbers have fallen in the following years. Live voice complaints remained relatively stable, with a slight uptick observed in 2023. Abandoned call complaints peaked in 2017, while text message complaints hit their highest in 2020, though both types of complaints have trended downwards in more recent years.
Racial demographics in the 251 area code show that 69.4% of the population identifies as White. Black or African American individuals make up 27.2% of the population, while Asians represent about 1.8%. There is a small percentage of Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders at 0.04%, and 1.6% identify as Some Other Race. This indicates a predominantly White demographic in the region, with significant representation from the Black or African American community.
Household income in the 251 area code has shown fluctuations over the years, starting at $41,250 in 2012 and reaching as high as $54,766 by 2022. The national median income has generally increased over the same period, starting at $47,301 in 2012 and rising to $66,930 in 2022. While this area experienced some years of income decline, there has been a notable increase in recent years. By 2022, the income level in the 251 area code has improved significantly but still remains below the national average.
The 251 area code has a population of 1,225,905, featuring a slightly higher number of females at 627,968 compared to 597,937 males. This results in a sex ratio of roughly 95 males for every 100 females, which is lower than the national average of 101.6 males per 100 females. Residents in this region have a median age of 42.3 years, indicating an older demographic when compared to the national median age of 41.1 years. Mobile County leads as the most populous county within the 251 area code, boasting 413,878 residents. Madison County follows closely behind with a population of 389,781, while Baldwin County has 233,420 residents. A total of 11 unique counties contribute to the area’s overall population, creating a diverse community. The population in this area code has experienced steady growth, rising from approximately 1,130,672 in 2012. This consistent increase may reflect ongoing development and a potential influx of residents seeking new opportunities. The demographics show a blending of gender and age that highlights both the stability and vibrancy of the region.
Area code 251 has experienced a decline in labor force participation from 53.6% in 2012 to 48.9% in 2018, followed by slight recovery. The employment to population ratio peaked at 46.8% in 2022, showing gradual improvement. Over the same period, the unemployment rate fell from 15.19% to 7.27%, suggesting better job opportunities. Despite these positive trends, the participation and employment rates in area code 251 remain lower than national averages throughout these years.
Alabama (AL)
Mobile, AL
Following up on a loan offer
I ***g up immediately I don’t know
Didn't answer
Claimed to be with the Head Audit and about a current investigation on 2 suspects from the store I work at. Gave a court order number and tried to claim the store had a negative balance of $1700 needed to be deposited to him the following day early in the morning. Threatened to detain me multiple times when I asked if he could name the store owner.
No one answered
I didn't answer
i too have been receiving calls, at least monthly from this number. i do not know anyone in AL with this number, and they never leave a message.
Refused to answer
Says she is (Kim) with AT&T and they need to install fiber lines. Called AT&T directly and they confirmed that this is a scammer.
Says she is with AT&T and they need to install fiber lines. Called AT&T directly and they confirmed that this is a scammer.
Text a code with other odd symbols not with current providers style
Wanting a relationship
Didn't give them a chance to speak today. The moment I answered I said I'm so proud you finally called. There's blood everywhere and what time are you going to get here to help me remove the body. For some reason they ***g up and haven't called back
Asperiores molestiae incidunt inventore laudantium praesentium. Necessitatibus rerum quo adipisci officia temporibus. Quam laborum voluptates maxime veritatis et nemo. Et animi ab temporibus recusandae qui distinctio in aliquid.
Voluptates non possimus sit aliquam dolorem quibusdam. Sunt omnis libero tempora architecto voluptas nesciunt nesciunt. Ullam sed est provident amet minus sit.
Voluptate quos adipisci quia mollitia. Aliquam est sit ut fugit eos doloribus numquam. Et eum esse vel.
Illo illo error quae rerum tempore. Non esse consequatur sed laboriosam et et. Vel libero recusandae impedit aspernatur consequatur. Praesentium tempora dolores facere sequi maiores.
Aut ut laudantium consequuntur est in quos. Qui voluptatibus voluptate dignissimos minima eum magni nemo dolor. Sint deleniti temporibus commodi.
Said they were calling to verify that I just bought a MacBook Pro on Amazon