26501, 26502, 26504, 26505
Morgantown, WV
39° 37' 48.05", -79° 57' 17.71"
The phone number 304-296-8282 is associated with West Virginia Junior College, located at 148 Willey St, Morgantown, WV 26505. This college is a private institution offering both undergraduate and some graduate programs. The area code 304 serves West Virginia and can include various institutions and businesses in the region. Community residents may receive calls or messages from this number related to enrollment inquiries or administrative matters from the college. However, phone scams are common, and local residents should be cautious if they receive calls from unknown numbers within the same area code. Scammers often use local area codes to increase the likelihood that their calls will be answered. If you are unsure of the caller's identity, it is advisable to verify the number through a reverse phone lookup service. In Morgantown, the community is closely tied to the university and various educational institutions, which can result in an influx of calls focused on marketing or outreach efforts.
Want to learn more? Check the (304) 296-8282 FAQ
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