Harrison, Barbour
26301, 26302, 26369, 26385
Clarksburg, WV
39° 16' 46.91", -80° 20' 37.89"
The number (304) 623-2973 is a Landline line managed by Frontier, hailing from Clarksburg, WV, or the surrounding area. A total of 30 look-ups have been done for this number. 10 comments exist from users, with the freshest one posted on January 22nd, 2011. This number holds a spam level of 100%. For additional in-depth data, look below.
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100% Spam Risk
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30 Searches
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This number has been reported as spam 0 times, has been searched 30 times, and has garnered 10 comments by our users. These numbers are higher than average, indicating a possible high risk of spam.
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People are Saying:
(304) 623-2973
It's not possbile that they say they are NOT a collection agency when you speak directly to them.
(304) 623-2973
The 5 calls you received today could be that the dialer system is not working correctly. Why don't you call them back and tell them youj think it's problem.
(304) 623-2973
If you are still speaking of ACE Adjustment Service, the number on the caller ID should come up as a New Jersey number...... this is beccause they use SKYPE as an outbound calling system which works like VOIP. No sleeze involved if you understand these types of phone systems. This is a good way to show that you don't want to pay the debt you owe. In my book, that's called STEALING,
(304) 623-2973
Here’s another “Technical problem” they may wish to work out -- their number was left as a callback number on several voice messages from 551 322-9000, a caller positivly identified as a ****** online pharmacy suspected of selling medications without benefit of prescription and maybe even outright narcotics dealing. Anyone out there who knows what is up with that?
(304) 623-2973
Why did they call me?
(304) 623-2973
On another note, they state they are a collection agency when they know they are speaking to the person that is directly involved in the account...... If you have questions, write to the main office at [email protected] They'll be glad to talk to you.
(304) 623-2973
They are a collection agency and very nice people to deal with. The reason you are receiving numerous calls is because they were having technical problems which have been worked out. If you should receive other calls it is simply a mistake and you just need to tell them about it. They will take care of it.On another note, they state they are a collection agency when they know they are speaking to the person that is directly involved in the account...... If you have questions, write to the main office at [email protected] They'll be glad to talk to you.
(304) 623-2973
They keep calling me and it goes to their voice mail. Today alone they called me 5 times.Ace Adjustment Service Inc1117 N 25th StreetClarksburg, WV 26301-1830 mapPhone: (304) 623-2971
(304) 623-2973
then why do they say on the message that this is NOT a collection call. be honest when calling me and don't call from some 551 area code. When i called that number all i got was a fax beep. Sounds like a scam to me.
(304) 623-2973
The place that called is an collection place in North View, Clarksburg, Wv. I have dealt with them before. It is not a scam. Lind and the others that work there are nice and easy to deal with. The 304-623-2973 is the call back number. Hope this help you out.