Learn more about this area code and exchange and where the caller may be located.
The phone exchange is the three digits after the area code and before the extension. An example is (308) 571-XXXX where 571 is the exchange number. It enables telephone line extensions to be interconnected in a local area based on a specific geographic assignment.
The (308) 571 exchange is located within the 308 area code in Grand Island-Kearney, NE. It connects landline numbers from the U.S. Cellular carrier in Howard county. Associated zip codes include 68873.
Potentially, callers could keep their phone numbers even if they move away, so a caller may be located in Grand Island-Kearney, NE or elsewhere. You can use a reverse phone lookup to help find the registered address for a potential caller.
(308) 571-1691
Hi Madison, I'm Alex w/ GCJ Research. We need your thoughts as a Conroe resident. Answer in 1 min at https://gcj-research.org/24f3 stop = end
(308) 571-1724
They know me
(308) 571-1667
Calling on behalf of a company to set us up in the SAP business network formerly Ariba Network on behalf of Customer Insight Corporation.
(308) 571-1667
Didn't answer because my phone identified it as spam.
(308) 571-1724
There was no message.
(308) 571-5416
Male, said state trooper and the asked how my day was. I don't talk to cops or scammers.
(308) 571-1667
No Voicemail left. Caller ID said Nebraska State
(308) 571-1673
Was wanting donations
(308) 571-5416
Was wanting donations
(308) 571-6186
The call was falling apart they are fishing for information.. first it was a girl from a dating site sent a picture of an Asian woman asked if I was there date then went on and acted like it was the wrong number then asked if we could be friends told me where they live and are still trying to make contact. I've had three of these this week The Accidental wrong number want to be friends game
(308) 571-4952
He said that my mom won 1 million dollars
(308) 571-1667
No message, hang up.
(308) 571-5416
(308) 571-5416
Interested in item I posted for sale, wanted me to call the number
(308) 571-1667
No message received