Saint Louis
63125, 63129
Mehlville, MO
38° 30' 26.9", -90° 19' 14.26"
The number (314) 782-1232 is a Landline line managed by Bandwidth.com, hailing from Mehlville, MO, or the surrounding area. A total of 28 look-ups have been done for this number. 6 comments exist from users, with the freshest one posted on April 27th, 2014. This number holds a spam level of 60%. For additional in-depth data, look below.
Want to learn more? Check the (314) 782-1232 FAQ
A phone number may have multiple owners due to a shared/family plan, or a transferral of ownership
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FraudScan Score
Fraud Risk
Legitimate User Activity
Likely fraudulent, spam, or a new number
Valid Number
Prepaid Number
Active Status
Do not Call Status
Not On DNC List
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Potential SPAM / Scam Caller Please use caution!
User Score
Spam Score
60% Spam Risk
Not Leaked
Search Volume
Very High
28 Searches
by our users
Nuisance Call Scan
Unwanted Caller
4 Complaints
by our users
VoIP Number
Yes, Use Caution
Recent Abuse
Risk Level
This number has been reported as spam 4 times, has been searched 28 times, and has garnered 6 comments by our users. These numbers are higher than average, indicating a possible high risk of spam.
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People are Saying:
(314) 782-1232
I got a text from this number on my craigs list ad. There was a link to open pictures to bid and it will not open.
(314) 782-1232
Responded to a craigslist ad with the tmopix.us link. Typical POS
(314) 782-1232
Got a message from a Craigslist ad I run. Wanted me to look at some pics but they won't load on my phone. Checked when I got home and it wanted me to install a 'flash player' which is already installed. That was the warning sign. The phone number tracks to BANDWIDTH.COM which is well known for hosting scammers and spammers.
(314) 782-1232
Same as others. It's a craigslist spammer trying to get you to download a program to view a slideshow. It's total ****, and most likely malicious. Do not respond!!!
(314) 782-1232
My brother in law received a text from this number directing to http://tmopix.net/?pix=6970OWT in response to a craigslist wanted ad. I installed the program it said I needed on my ma****e and it contained bloatware and still would not load the images. Be very cautious especially if you are not behind a firewall or at least have anti-virus running.
(314) 782-1232
Received text from this number in reference to services offered(home repairs) Tacoma, WA on craigslist. Had a link to slideshow which required software downloaded. Bells went off looked up #, odd someone from St. Louis. I would be very leery of this #