Learn more about this area code and exchange and where the caller may be located.
The phone exchange is the three digits after the area code and before the extension. An example is (318) 599-XXXX where 599 is the exchange number. It enables telephone line extensions to be interconnected in a local area based on a specific geographic assignment.
The (318) 599 exchange is located within the 318 area code in Monroe, LA. It connects landline numbers from the Centurylink carrier in Ouachita county. Associated zip codes include 71225.
Potentially, callers could keep their phone numbers even if they move away, so a caller may be located in Monroe, LA or elsewhere. You can use a reverse phone lookup to help find the registered address for a potential caller.
(318) 599-9487
Scam scam scam I lost money and pay attention with your personal data.
(318) 599-9487
(318) 599-9487
(318) 599-9487
Attention! Sergio from seeking.com He is a scammer!!!! If someone wants to know the all true, drop a comment and I will tell you everything.
(318) 599-9487
I meet him in seeking.com. He presented himself like Sergio. He pushed me to invest in airnergy.com. Website is a scam, once you invest moneys there is no way to get them. He is a scammer. He wants your data also. Pay attention!
(318) 599-9487
Online dating Sergio gabe me this number. He is a scam Looking for your passport and ssn Be careful
(318) 599-9487
Online dating Sergio gave me this number. He is a scam Looking for you passport and social Be careful.
(318) 599-9487
On line dating Sergio gave me this number from Seeking.com Told me to use Airenergy.com He send me money too on the app. Be careful, he is a scam.
(318) 599-9487
Seeking.com Sergio gave me this number. Talked a lot about investing. Encouraged me to use Airnergy.com
(318) 599-9658
(318) 599-1563
Trying to get me banking info claiming his boss of Wilcox Comm out of the UK wanted to help me out. Wanted to be a sugar daddy but only wanted my attention to someone to talk to. No money received but then received threats of contacting their lawyer and that they knew my address already . Sent a fake check to my home address but I’m sure it was fake and some major scam that I almost fell into.
(318) 599-9658
Grindr fake account
(318) 599-9658
Grindr spammer
(318) 599-9658
Extortionist. He’ll trick you then try to blackmail you. Stay away from this criminal.
(318) 599-9658
the caller left text message ,hello