Waverly, IA
42° 43' 40.4", -92° 28' 31.79"
The phone number 319-352-8200 belongs to Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa. This college serves a diverse student body and is known for its commitment to liberal arts education. The area code 319 covers parts of Iowa, including regions where various educational institutions are located. If you're receiving calls or messages from this number, it may relate to college events, admissions inquiries, or fundraising campaigns. Waverly is a small community in Bremer County, offering a friendly atmosphere with local amenities and services for residents and students. Because of the college's presence, many businesses and resources cater to the needs of students. Be cautious of potential scams or unsolicited calls from similar numbers in the area code, as they could impersonate the college or other organizations.
Want to learn more? Check the (319) 352-8200 FAQ
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10% Spam Risk
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Very High
25 Searches
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Medium Risk
1 Complaint
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VoIP Number
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This number has been reported as spam 1 times, has been searched 25 times, and has garnered 1 comment by our users. These numbers are higher than average, indicating a possible high risk of spam.
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(319) 352-8200