Learn more about this area code and exchange and where the caller may be located.
The phone exchange is the three digits after the area code and before the extension. An example is (331) 248-XXXX where 248 is the exchange number. It enables telephone line extensions to be interconnected in a local area based on a specific geographic assignment.
The (331) 248 exchange is located within the 331 area code in Chicago, IL. It connects landline numbers from the Comcast carrier in Kane county. Associated zip codes include 60134, 60147.
Potentially, callers could keep their phone numbers even if they move away, so a caller may be located in Chicago, IL or elsewhere. You can use a reverse phone lookup to help find the registered address for a potential caller.
(331) 248-7534
Playing on the phone
(331) 248-7222
Stalker from hinge app
(331) 248-6988
Texter said “Hello” “How was your sleep” and stated my real first name.
(331) 248-5306
(331) 248-5306
(331) 248-9228
Harassing collection agency.
(331) 248-9239
"Your bill for Soptmbre was paid, Bank u. Heres our little reward for you." Link to site enclosed in text--not opened.
(331) 248-2271
Wanted painting bid done on the house and he will pay me by mailing me a check and wanted to know my financial institutions who I deal with. My full name and address. Also he will mail me a check for a higher amount and I am to take out what I need and give the rest to the ex owner of the house where he will get me the keys to access the property so I wouldn't have any problem.
(331) 248-2271
Wanted painting bid done on the house and he will pay me by mailing me a check and wanted to know my financial institutions who I deal with. My full name and address. Also he will mail me a check for a higher amount and I am to take out what I need and give the rest to the ex owner of the house where he will get me the keys to access the property so I wouldn't have any problem.
(331) 248-4366
(331) 248-5306
They stated that my name is June Marie McGuire which is correct
(331) 248-5306
They knew my full name June Marie McGuire
(331) 248-5306
They knew my full name June Marie McGuire
(331) 248-2847
Recieved a text from this number stating to be "Hannah" looking for Andy. I don't know any Hannah's and my name isn't Andy.
(331) 248-5505
From online dating