Owner's Name
Address: 123 Example Address, New York, NY, 10001
10451, 10452, 10453, 10454
New York City Zone, NY
40° 49' 58.42", -73° 50' 38.77"
The phone number 347-282-9604 might potentially be associated with a business that could be known as LA FRESH LLC, which appears to be actively conducting its operations, possibly indicated by its active US DOT number. Additionally, this number may also have possible connections to a sales listing for an item. There are no apparent indications of any scam-related activities linked to this phone number based on available insights.
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Potential SPAM / Scam Caller Please use caution!
User Score
Spam Score
100% Spam Risk
Leaked in Breach
Search Volume
Very High
242 Searches
by our users
Nuisance Call Scan
Unwanted Caller
13 Complaints
by our users
VoIP Number
Recent Abuse
Risk Level
Not Risky
This number has been reported as spam 13 times, has been searched 242 times, and has garnered 18 comments by our users. These numbers are higher than average, indicating a possible high risk of spam.
Discover key indicators that may help verify a phone number’s legitimacy.
FraudScan Score
Fraud Risk
Legitimate User Activity
Likely a legitimate number (not fraud)
Valid Number
Prepaid Number
Active Status
Do not Call Status
Not On DNC List
More information for this phone number available
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A phone number may have multiple owners due to a shared/family plan, or a transferral of ownership
Learn more about this phone number and where the caller may be located.
Phone Number | Carrier | Location | View Details |
(347) 250-9899 | Verizon Communications | New York City Zone, NY | View Reports |
(347) 394-2384 | Level 3 | New York City Zone, NY | View Reports |
(347) 578-5186 | Verizon Wireless | New York City Zone, NY | View Reports |
(347) 619-0210 | Bandwidth.com | New York City Zone, NY | View Reports |
(347) 687-3785 | Bandwidth.com | New York City Zone, NY | View Reports |
(347) 282-9604
Pretended to be a friend from work.
(347) 282-9604
Pretended to be my coworker
(347) 282-9604
Trying to get personal information
(347) 282-9604
THIS NUMBER IS A SCAMMER, this person used my friend’s name to pretend they were them as a cover to ask me for money, used an excuse that their cousin had Covid and was waiting for their card to arrive, asked me to apply pay them during the meantime
(347) 282-9604
tried to make conversation after informed that they had wrong number. asked about my place of work, etc
(347) 282-9604
Said they were a close friend on a new number. Tried to get me to send money to someone claiming to be their cousin and they would send me money in return
(347) 282-9604
(347) 282-9604
They pretended to be a coworker of mine and asked me to send money to her cousin who has covid.
(347) 282-9604
(347) 282-9604
Tried to scam for money
(347) 282-9604
She or he said they need to be Apple paid to their cousin bc they have COVID and they only have cash but they also tried FaceTiming me but I didn’t answer
(347) 282-9604
Pretended to be someone else for money
(347) 282-9604
Asked for $150 Claimed to be my Friend and even new my friends first and last name
(347) 282-9604
Wanted me to send money to cousin
(347) 282-9604
They would call and **** up as soon as I answered to act like their phone wasn't working then texted me saying they were one of my friends and needed money
(347) 282-9604
They were claiming to be my friend asking for me to transfer money.
(347) 282-9604
Asked for $$ pretending to be someone
(347) 282-9604
Trying to scam me for $8”” & pretend to be someone else