77568, 77590, 77591, 77592
Texas City-La Marque, TX
29° 22' 33.79", -94° 56' 21.35"
The phone number (409) 655-2461 is located in or around Texas City-La Marque, TX. This Landline number is registered through Below you may find additional information. Did you receive a spam call from this number? Leave a review or comment below about the call to help the community know what to watchout for.
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This number has been reported as spam times, has been searched 1 times, and has garnered 2 comments by our users. These numbers do not indicate a high potential spam risk, but report if suspected.
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People are Saying:
(409) 655-2461
Hooey was supposed to be - money.
(409) 655-2461
Contacts women and talks nice to them with the end goal to extract money from them. Called me a few times and texted me. Wouldn't answer questions about how he found me. Said he was working on a ship in the ocean and needed help getting a phone card. Turns out he was in Mexico as far as I could find out. Sweet talks women into sending hooey or prepaid phone cards. Pretty sure he wasn't using his real name. The brief profile on Facebook is gone now. Claimed to have 2 children and sent pics of them with himself. They were old pics though as he said he was 68 years old currently.