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About 413 Area Code:
Area code 413 is situated in western Massachusetts and encompasses the cities of Springfield, Chicopee, and Pittsfield. It is the sole area code serving this region. Springfield’s strategic location between Boston and New York City makes it ideal for distribution, which has historically played a crucial role in its economy. Today, Springfield’s economy is supported by its top five industries, which are Education and Health Services, Trade and Transportation, Manufacturing, Tourism and Hospitality, and Professional & Business Services. With a "mature economy," Springfield enjoys a degree of protection during economic downturns, though it may experience some limitations during periods of economic growth. Chicopee is a city that developed around several smaller former mill communities along the Chicopee River.
By the early 20th century, Chicopee was home to numerous industrial plants, including the Fisk Tire Company, one of the largest tire manufacturers of the era, and some of the first sporting goods factories established by A.G. Spalding. Nowadays, Chicopee hosts a diverse array of specialty manufacturers and is home to Westover Air Reserve Base, the largest Air Force Reserve Base in the United States, which was established in 1940 during the buildup to World War II. Aside from its political significance as the county seat, Pittsfield has one or two unusual attractions to recommend. For one thing, they say this is where one of the greatest American novels, Moby Dick, was written. The writer Herman Melville lived in Arrowhead from the 1850s and it said that this is where he penned the legendary novel. In 2017, the Arts Vibrancy Index, compiled by the National Center for Arts Research, recognized Pittsfield and Berkshire County as the top medium-sized community in the nation for the arts.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
8:06:35 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-4 |
(413) 992-3959
Total searches: 1129
(413) 248-7678
Total searches: 1076
(413) 776-6220
Total searches: 932
(413) 377-3202
Total searches: 874
(413) 551-2290
Total searches: 843
(413) 345-6628
Total searches: 827
(413) 794-2833
Total searches: 825
(413) 216-5453
Total searches: 752
(413) 679-2625
Total searches: 686
(413) 887-3462
Total searches: 534
(413) 749-4737
Total searches: 532
(413) 224-6139
Total searches: 442
(413) 729-3707
Total searches: 432
(413) 378-8168
Total searches: 401
(413) 359-3191
Total searches: 365
In area code 413, FCC complaints have changed in different ways from 2014 to 2024. Complaints from wireless/mobile users reached their highest point in 2015. Wired complaints also peaked in 2015 but have mostly decreased since that year. In contrast, VOIP complaints rose significantly beginning in 2019, showing how consumer reporting habits have evolved over time.
The 413 area code has seen changes in complaints about unwanted calls over the years. Complaints related to telemarketing reached a peak in 2015 but have seen a significant decline since then. Robocalls were most frequently reported in 2015 as well, but no complaints have been recorded in recent years. By 2024, there continues to be a downward trend in unwanted call complaints, suggesting that people in the area are experiencing fewer spam calls.
In area code 413, FCC complaints about different call types have changed over the years. The highest number of complaints about prerecorded voice calls occurred in 2015, totaling 216. Complaints regarding live voice calls have varied, reaching a high of 102, while abandoned calls saw their peak in 2020 with 119 reports. Recently, the overall number of complaints has declined, indicating that residents may be experiencing fewer issues with these calls.
The 413 area code has a significant majority of residents identifying as White, making up about 85.1% of the population. Black or African American individuals represent approximately 6.1%, while Asians account for around 4.4%. There is a very small percentage of Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander individuals at just 0.04%. Some Other Race constitutes about 4.4% of the population in this area code.
The 413 area code shows a steady increase in median household income over the years, starting from approximately $59,776 in 2012 and reaching about $79,000 by 2022. During this period, the national median income also grew, moving from $47,301 in 2012 to $66,930 in 2022. Notably, the median income in the 413 area consistently remained higher than the national average from 2012 to 2022. The largest jump occurred between 2021 and 2022, where the local median income surged significantly compared to earlier years.
Population in the 413 area code is currently 1,677,147, with 823,800 males and 853,347 females. This results in a sex ratio of 95.36 males for every 100 females, indicating a greater number of women in the area. The median age is 42.72 years, which is slightly above the national median of 41.1 years, suggesting a mature population. Worcester County leads the way with the largest population at 858,898 residents, followed by Hampden County with 464,575 and Hampshire County with 153,931. There are a total of five unique counties within the area code, allowing for diverse community dynamics. Over the last decade, the population has experienced steady growth, rising each year from 2012 to 2021 before experiencing a slight decline in 2022. This indicates a relatively stable community with a variety of age groups, while still maintaining an older average age compared to the national figures. The area appears to foster a balanced distribution of gender, indicating a healthy and diverse demographic.
Workforce statistics for area code 413 show a decline in the labor force participation rate from 65.6% in 2012 to 62.5% in 2022. The employment to population ratio fluctuated slightly, finishing at 58.9% in 2022, compared to 59.7% in 2012. The unemployment rate improved, decreasing from 8.84% in 2012 to 5.62% in 2022, indicating a positive trend in job availability. Throughout the years, area code 413 had higher labor force participation and employment ratios than the national averages.
Massachusetts (MA)
Pittsfield, MA
Silence left a voicemail at 3:30 am
Not availablee
Not applicable
They said they were a credit card solution company. It’s a Scam because they called a minor’s number.
Baked date looking to make an appointment for memory issues.
The wanted to verify my ***hers date of birth. They called him every single day for a week before he finally answered. He said Baystate already had that information and they said yes there were calling to verify it. He said he wasn’t comfortable sharing that information and ***g up
Pharmacy benefits
repe***ive calls from this number identified as Google Voice trying to connect me
Phishing for information to get a response The text said "are you home right now?"
Trump saying the Librtals mony is *****,I told them to go blank them selfs SCAMERS
I get this call a couple of times a month and it is always dead air. No one on the other side that says anything.
On the call, I was being asked for my Social Security number, which is invalid. Spam!