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About 432 Area Code:
Area code 432 covers a significant portion of West Texas, including major cities such as Midland, Odessa, and Big Spring. The area includes urban centers like Midland, which had a population of 132,524, according to the 2020 census. It also covers rural settings across its 35 cities and 22 counties.
The region operates in both Central (GMT -06:00) and Mountain (GMT -07:00) time zones. Midland is the largest city, with its population growth reflecting the area's development. Understanding these geographical details aids in identifying the origins of calls from this diverse and expansive area.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
7:27:32 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-5 |
(432) 535-3346
Total searches: 3132
(432) 271-4431
Total searches: 933
(432) 466-8339
Total searches: 762
(432) 214-8269
Total searches: 544
(432) 547-9651
Total searches: 491
(432) 527-7021
Total searches: 478
(432) 242-1216
Total searches: 364
(432) 208-4389
Total searches: 344
(432) 201-3589
Total searches: 328
(432) 289-8574
Total searches: 263
(432) 301-9445
Total searches: 262
(432) 666-6526
Total searches: 235
(432) 239-7976
Total searches: 223
(432) 220-5474
Total searches: 148
(432) 223-9537
Total searches: 88
ZIP Codes:
55 zip codes Found Check all codes
In area code 432, complaints to the FCC by method of contact have changed over the years. Wireless/mobile complaints reached their highest point in 2018. Meanwhile, wired complaints have mostly gone down since 2015. VOIP complaints have increased in recent years, indicating a change in how people in the area prefer to communicate.
In the 432 area code, the number of complaints about unwanted calls has changed over the years. Telemarketing complaints peaked in 2015, while unwanted calls saw spikes in 2018 and 2019, both of which exceeded 100 complaints. Since then, the situation appears to have improved, as the number of complaints dropped to 50 in 2023. This trend suggests a possible decline in issues related to unwanted calls in the area.
The 432 area code has experienced changes in the types of FCC complaints over the years from 2014 to 2024. Complaints regarding prerecorded voice calls peaked in 2015 but have generally declined since then. Live voice complaints have varied from year to year, while text message complaints have shown some consistent activity. Meanwhile, abandoned call complaints have significantly decreased since 2018, indicating fewer issues in that category. Overall, while complaints continue to be reported, the numbers have decreased compared to the earlier years.
The racial demographics in area code 432 show a predominance of White residents, making up approximately 77.7% of the population. Meanwhile, Black or African American individuals represent about 5.7%, with Asian residents at around 1.4%. The Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander category is very small, at just 0.04%. Additionally, a significant portion of the population, around 15.1%, identify as Some Other Race.
The 432 area code shows a steady increase in median household income over the years, rising from $46,648 in 2012 to $71,346 in 2022. Comparatively, the national median income also increased, but at a slower rate, starting at $47,301 in 2012 and reaching $66,930 by 2022. Notably, the local income surpassed the national average starting in 2019 and continued to widen its lead through 2022. Overall, the 432 area code has experienced significant growth in household income relative to national trends.
Area code 432 has a total population of 629,181, with 327,745 males and 301,436 females. This results in a notable sex ratio of 116.1 males for every 100 females, indicating a higher male population compared to females. The median age in this area is about 38.5 years, which is younger than the national median age of 41.1 years, suggesting a more youthful demographic profile. There are 25 unique counties within the area code, with Midland County being the largest, home to 169,393 residents. Ector County follows closely with a population of 162,300, while Lea County has 73,103 residents. The total population has experienced steady growth, increasing from 562,194 in 2012 to the current figure of 629,181 in 2022. This trend of growth reflects a vibrant community that is attracting more residents over the years. The demographic statistics show that the region has a significant male population and maintains a younger average age compared to national averages. These factors contribute to the area's unique identity within the broader context of the United States.
Labor force participation rate in 432 has decreased from 61.1% in 2012 to 60.1% in 2022, with some ups and downs during this period. The employment to population ratio reached a high of 57.5% in 2012 but declined to 57.0% by 2022. Improvements in the unemployment rate are notable, dropping from 5.72% in 2012 to 4.56% in 2022, reflecting a more positive job market. This area consistently shows a lower unemployment rate compared to national averages, especially in the past few years.
Texas (TX)
Ector, Midland, Midland
Odessa, TX
CapCut 787812 is your verification code, valid for 5 minutes. To keep your account safe, never forward this code. (makes no sense as it does not ask me for any personal information like my pw etc.)
not sure who is behind this number, but it is not a valid person. probably an ****** or so****ing nefarious
Tic tok verification code
The caller did not speak clearly, and was not available when I returned his call only a moment later. His message says he has questions about Upton County mineral interests. It seems like a spam or a phish scam.
Text: [TikTok] ###### is your verification code, valid for 5 minutes. To keep your account safe, never forward this code. Funny seeing how I don't even have a TikTok account. So, this is either a scam or someone is using my number.
Trying to scam you or so****ing for your Tiktok. It makes no sense.
Tried to get me to click on a link
Claiming a fee is owed
[CapCut] 167132 is your verification code, valid for 5 minutes. To keep your account safe, never forward this code.
Number has called me 52 times today and it’s only 2:45pm. Never legible just a bunch of noise in background.
Threatening me
Who I was
The message was in Spanish, but it was someone trying to get me to approve a TikTok purchase which I’ve already been scammed for $1000 for that probably from the same person
Texted me a login verification code I didn't request. Wondered if someone could be trying to log into my account, but others here say they don't even have accounts. This is pure spam.