Owner's Name
Address: 123 Example Address, New York, NY, 10001
23922, 23942
Burkeville, VA
37° 11' 12.17", -78° 12' 1.67"
The phone number (434) 879-4079 is located in or around Burkeville, VA. This Landline number is registered through Centurylink. There have been 719 searches conducted for this number with 12 user comments as of latest received on October 24th, 2022. This number has a current spam score of 70%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
Want to learn more? Check the (434) 879-4079 FAQ
This number has 7 spam reports
This number has a 70% spam score
This number has 12 comments
This number has 719 searches
A phone number may have multiple owners due to a shared/family plan, or a transferral of ownership
Learn more about this phone number and where the caller may be located.
Phone Number | Carrier | Location | View Details |
(434) 212-1211 | Bandwidth.com | Scottsville, VA | View Reports |
(434) 879-4050 | Bandwidth.com | Burkeville, VA | View Reports |
(434) 879-4238 | Bandwidth.com | Burkeville, VA | View Reports |
(434) 879-2532 | Bandwidth.com | Burkeville, VA | View Reports |
(434) 879-0000 | Bandwidth.com | Burkeville, VA | View Reports |
(434) 879-4079
Person asked if I had their dog. Asked if my name was Anna or Emma. Told them they have the wrong number. They said their secretary gave them the wrong number. Asking who I am.
(434) 879-4079
This apparently is an inmate from some correctional facility, maybe around Richmond, VA. They left no name, nor why they were calling. The automated message wants you to add money to the callers account. Concerned me because I thought a relative was in trouble.
(434) 879-4079
asking we if we can be friends
(434) 879-4079
They jacked my social media, and sent me a text asking if I wanted it back.
(434) 879-4079
(434) 879-4079
They asked for me. Then they said they must have dialed the wrong number. Really wierd because I haven't have this phone number to anyone.
(434) 879-4079
Called and asked if it was okay to send a text. The text had a link that would find me ‘better’ rates on my car insurance
(434) 879-4079
Romance. Theythat he is a inmate
(434) 879-4079
Fake caller
(434) 879-4079
Inmate I am trying to locate we're he is incarerated
(434) 879-4079
What jail is this and where at please and how do i set up for calls from him ?
(434) 879-4079
Virginia Department of Corrections