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About 445 Area Code:
The 445 area code is an overlay introduced to address the growing need for new phone numbers in southeastern Pennsylvania. It covers major urban and suburban areas, including parts of Philadelphia, Delaware, and Montgomery counties.
This area shares its coverage with area codes 215 and 267, serving as an additional layer within the same geographical boundaries. Understanding the 445 area code's significance in this region underscores the importance of using reverse phone lookup tools to manage incoming calls from unknown numbers in this territory. This is particularly crucial in today's digital age, where identifying unknown callers is more important than ever to maintain privacy and security.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
8:27:33 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-4 |
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In area code 445, FCC complaints by method of call show changing patterns from 2016 to 2024. Wireless and mobile complaints have mostly gone up, reaching their highest point in 2022. Wired complaints have stayed very low throughout the years. There was a notable increase in VOIP complaints in 2023, highlighting a growing issue with this type of communication.
Complaints about unwanted calls in the 445 area code have increased significantly since 2016. What started with just one complaint has grown to as many as 44 by 2022. Although there was a slight drop to 40 complaints in 2023, the numbers are still much higher than in the earlier years. There have been no reports of telemarketing or robocalls, showing that the main concern for residents is unwanted calls.
Complaints to the FCC in the 445 area code have varied by call type over the years. Prerecorded voice complaints rose consistently, reaching a peak of 16 in 2023. Live voice complaints peaked at 14 in 2022 but have shown a decline since then. Text message complaints surged in 2021, reaching a high of 18, while abandoned call complaints remained low throughout this timeframe.
In the 445 area code, the majority of the population is White, making up approximately 63.8% of the demographic. Black or African American individuals represent about 23.1% of the population. Asian residents account for roughly 6.8%, while those identified as Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander are a very small fraction at 0.04%. Some Other Race comprises about 6.2% of the area's demographic composition.
Area code 445 covers a population of 3,523,253, which includes 1,709,246 males and 1,814,007 females. This leads to a sex ratio of about 95.9 males for every 100 females, showing that women make up a slightly larger share of the population. The median age in this area is approximately 40 years, which is a bit lower than the national median age of 41.1 years. Philadelphia County leads in population size with 1,593,208 residents, making it the most populated among the four counties in area code 445. Montgomery County comes next with 856,399 people, while Bucks County has a population of 645,163. This distribution reflects significant urban centers in the area, contributing to the diverse community that thrives here. Population has grown steadily over the years, starting at 3,362,276 in 2012 and rising to the current figure, indicating positive demographic trends. This growth suggests that the region is attractive for newcomers, possibly due to job opportunities and lifestyle choices available within the area influenced by its counties.
In area code 445, the labor force participation rate has remained steady, averaging about 65.6% from 2012 to 2022, consistently surpassing the national average. Employment levels exhibited a positive trend, peaking at 61.9% in 2021, indicating improved job availability. The unemployment rate decreased from 9.5% in 2012 to 5.78% in 2022, reflecting better job security and overall economic conditions. Throughout the years, workforce metrics in this area code have consistently outperformed national averages.
Pennsylvania (PA)
Philadelphia PA-Wilmington DE-Trenton, NJ
They use bandwidth.com for this phone number it allows them to use a fake number and make calls/texts from across the world so we can****ume they are from another country trying to scam you.
They are scammers from dating apps making serious accusations and may contact you from this number as well +1 (580) 574-9127 sarah was the name they were using with me and this (445) 900-1831 richard russell is a fake investigator
Scammer trying to hit you with ***ual accusations.
A scammer on a dating app trying to get you with a ***ual****ault allegation
Saying that im involved in a case
Romance scammer
Romance scammer
Know I didn’t
That is the wrong telephone number
I would like to know if he is on Instagram or Facebook or any Snapchat or any of those type things
“This is Williams the man in charge of the ****** service, you have been playing with my girls and wasting their time and in my type of business time is money, we have located you and your family and if you refuse to pay for the time wasted you and your family are going to face to my organization” the message I recieved. And found public records of my family sending me addresses and names of family members.
Said rhat he was from an ****** service, and that i have been wasting his time and money for his girls and threatened violence. I have never reached out to any girls and unsure of where he got my number from
I’m looking for my Husband to be in the Internet, any contact with anyone
Romance scammer