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(448) 205-5842
It is possibly a satellite phone
Is this a satellite phone?
(448) 205-6116
These people are scammers acting like dog Breeders for Cane Corso.
(448) 205-9028
This individual pose as a guy renting his apartment in Yonkers,NY all the way from Panama City,FL
(448) 205-0615
Scam text
(448) 205-5842
It is possibly a satellite phone
(448) 205-5842
Is this a satellite phone?
(448) 205-6116
These people are scammers acting like dog Breeders for Cane Corso.
(448) 205-9028
This individual pose as a guy renting his apartment in Yonkers,NY all the way from Panama City,FL
(448) 205-0615
Scam text