A middle eastern male called from this number to inform me about a lending or loan information when I asked why his number came up as a bake shop he tried to explain I told him he was not being truthful and already felt there was a security issue then hung up. He called back but I did not allow him to speak which upset him and he proceeds to tell me f×@# you f×@# you over n over until I laughed at him then he hung up.
People are Saying:
(472) 210-4377
this number is being used to scam an 86 yo lady
(472) 210-3107
A middle eastern male called from this number to inform me about a lending or loan information when I asked why his number came up as a bake shop he tried to explain I told him he was not being truthful and already felt there was a security issue then hung up. He called back but I did not allow him to speak which upset him and he proceeds to tell me f×@# you f×@# you over n over until I laughed at him then he hung up.