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About 505 Area Code:
Roughly 81.5% of New Mexico households use mobile phones exclusively, making it important to understand who is on the other end of a call.
Therefore, screening tools like reverse phone lookup are vital in the 505 area code, which covers northwestern and central New Mexico.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
10:22:13 AM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-6 |
(505) 308-3278
Total searches: 1502
(505) 253-0594
Total searches: 1168
(505) 207-4574
Total searches: 904
(505) 209-2042
Total searches: 861
(505) 226-9128
Total searches: 770
(505) 895-0505
Total searches: 695
(505) 456-4292
Total searches: 694
(505) 204-7185
Total searches: 678
(505) 273-8564
Total searches: 616
(505) 309-5399
Total searches: 575
(505) 305-6750
Total searches: 565
(505) 503-4455
Total searches: 521
(505) 357-4832
Total searches: 471
(505) 277-9866
Total searches: 465
(505) 427-4919
Total searches: 462
ZIP Codes:
108 zip codes Found Check all codes
In the 505 area code, FCC complaints have changed significantly from 2014 to 2024. Wireless and mobile complaints reached their highest point in 2018, while wired complaints have been steadily decreasing, especially recently. Notably, VOIP complaints saw a big rise in 2024, indicating a shift in how people are choosing to report their issues.
Complaints about unwanted calls in the 505 area code have shown significant changes over the years. Starting in 2014, the number of these complaints generally increased, reaching a high of 543 in 2018. Telemarketing complaints saw a sharp rise in 2015 but fell to zero in the following years, while robocalls were mostly reported in the earlier years. Recently, the community continues to report unwanted calls, though telemarketing and robocalls have become much less common.
Complaints reported to the FCC in the 505 area code have shown different patterns over time based on the type of call. Prerecorded voice complaints climbed steadily until reaching their highest point in 2018 before gradually decreasing. Live voice complaints peaked in 2017, but have since fluctuated in lower numbers. Text message complaints, which started off minimal, saw a significant increase in 2022, reflecting a rise in concerns about this type of communication.
The 505 area code has a significant percentage of White residents at about 79.6%. Black or African American individuals make up roughly 2.9% of the population, while Asian residents account for approximately 2.9% as well. Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islanders are quite small in number, representing only about 0.1%. Additionally, about 14.5% of the population identifies as Some Other Race.
The median income in the 505 area code has shown a gradual increase from 2012 to 2022, starting at approximately $38,947 and reaching about $52,667 in 2022. Comparatively, the national median income has also risen over the same period, moving from $47,301 in 2012 to $66,930 in 2022. Despite the increase in household income in the 505 area, it consistently remains below the national average for each year. The gap between the two figures has persisted, with the area code's income rising but still not catching up to the national trend.
The 505 area code encompasses a total population of 1,320,943, with a fairly balanced gender distribution of 651,629 males and 669,314 females, leading to a sex ratio of 98.61 males per 100 females. The median age of 41.32 years is slightly above the national median age of 41.1 years, indicating a mature population. Bernalillo County stands out as the largest county in the area with a population of 674,692, significantly contributing to the overall demographics. Following it are Santa Fe County and Sandoval County, with populations of 154,481 and 149,460, respectively. The area includes a total of ten unique counties, showcasing diverse communities within the 505 area code. Population growth has been consistent since 2012 when it was recorded at 1,285,425. This upward trend reveals an increase, reaching 1,320,943 by the latest figures. When looking at the sex ratio within the 505 area code, it is noticeable that the local ratio differs from the national figure of 101.6 males per 100 females, reflecting distinct demographic characteristics in this section of the United States.
The 505 area code has experienced a decline in labor force participation rate from 59.7% in 2012 to 54.6% in 2022. The employment to population ratio started at 53.4% in 2012 and increased slightly to 51.1% by 2022, indicating relative stability in employment. Over the same years, the unemployment rate decreased from 10.43% to 6.32%. Compared to national averages, the labor force participation rates in this area code have consistently been lower, while the unemployment rates have been higher.
New Mexico (NM)
Santa Fe
Santa Fe
Santa Fe, NM
Th call claimed I had child support case needs to be resolved, which is untrue. Also, the county that does the calling for this the number would state county on the caller id and it didnt.
This guy was saying that he has notified me and that court do***ents will be arriving soon.
Said they were collecting for a paycheck advance loan default. Offering a "one time" settlement payment for 1/3 of the amount. SPAM. I've never applied for a loan like this. ***g up and blocked.
Nothing. No one
???? The female voice recording was speaking during yhe voicemail greeting, but I did eventually record that "President Trump is on the line". & Gave options to push #1, if I'd like to wait & speak with Trump, or, #2, if I want to wait / have them call back later, etc.
***g up
They asked for me personally and said it was a business call. Never heard of this company before.
Knew my name and Street I live on, asked if I was selling my house. I asked who he was,,why call and he ***g up.
Sent a text "are you at home?
Acted like we have been together!
Loaning money
How's your day going so far?
Hey Stewart it is Ella. Are you thinking of selling ************* residence ********in the next year or so?