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About 507 Area Code:
The 507 area code serves the southern part of Minnesota, an area rich in history and significant for its geographical influence. It encompasses key cities like Rochester, Mankato, and Winona. Rochester, one of the largest cities in this area, has a population of 121,395.
The economic landscape features diverse industries, with a significant focus on healthcare, education, and agriculture.As this region has grown, so has its telecommunications infrastructure. With that, the need for reliable, secure communications has also become a greater priority. Tools like reverse phone lookup can make a huge difference in how businesses and individuals experience these services.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
6:54:52 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-5 |
(507) 865-5603
Total searches: 2924
(507) 299-1962
Total searches: 2151
(507) 538-1700
Total searches: 1481
(507) 204-7540
Total searches: 1160
(507) 242-8996
Total searches: 584
(507) 329-6718
Total searches: 577
(507) 320-3278
Total searches: 534
(507) 738-6296
Total searches: 520
(507) 479-7763
Total searches: 463
(507) 262-2795
Total searches: 448
(507) 353-2787
Total searches: 416
(507) 329-3412
Total searches: 392
(507) 593-6009
Total searches: 374
(507) 512-7321
Total searches: 372
(507) 204-4991
Total searches: 339
ZIP Codes:
240 zip codes Found Check all codes
In area code 507, the number of complaints made to the FCC has varied over the years based on how people contact the agency. Complaints from wireless/mobile users peaked in 2017 but then dropped sharply. Wired complaints generally decreased after 2015. VOIP complaints rose in 2021 but have since declined. This shows changing trends in how consumers voice their concerns in this area.
In the 507 area code, complaints regarding unwanted calls and telemarketing have varied greatly over the years. A notable peak occurred in 2017, when there were 370 complaints about unwanted calls, the highest in the timeframe observed. While telemarketing complaints surged to 74 in 2015, they have since dropped to zero, and robocall complaints only appeared from 2014 to 2016. Generally, there has been a decline in complaints in recent years, particularly for telemarketing and robocalls.
The 507 area code has seen different patterns in FCC complaints based on call types over the years. A significant rise in complaints occurred in 2017, with 173 prerecorded voice calls and 114 live voice calls reported. The highest number of abandoned call complaints happened in 2021, reaching 72, but this type has since dropped to zero. Complaints about text messages have generally stayed low, peaking at 41 in 2021.
The racial demographics in the 507 area code show that the White population makes up a significant majority at about 88.76%. The Black or African American community represents around 4.69%, while Asians account for approximately 3.65%. A small portion, about 0.06%, is noted for Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, and around 2.85% identifies as some other race. This information reflects the diverse makeup of the area code's population.
The median household income for the 507 area code has steadily increased from 2012 to 2022, rising from approximately $52,904 to about $71,443.50. Throughout this period, the national median income also experienced growth, but the area code consistently maintained a higher income level compared to the national average in most years. The gap between the 507 area code's median income and the national median widened, reaching its peak in 2022 with a difference of around $4,513. This trend highlights the economic performance in the 507 area code relative to the national figures.
With a total population of 1,347,600, the area covered by the 507 area code shows a balance between genders, consisting of 674,745 males and 672,855 females. The sex ratio here is around 101.58 males for every 100 females, which is quite similar to national averages. In terms of age, the median age hovers around 41 years, closely matching the national median age of 41.1 years. Dakota County stands out as the most populated county within this area, with 439,179 residents. Following Dakota County, Olmsted County has 162,307 residents, while Blue Earth County adds 69,022 to the population. This area encompasses a total of 33 unique counties, highlighting the diversity of communities and cultures within these regions. From 2012 to the present, the population in the area has shown steady growth, increasing from 1,283,117 to its current total. This consistent trend indicates a healthy expansion, reflecting positive developments in the area.
The labor force participation rate in area code 507 began at 68.7% in 2012 and slowly decreased to 66.1% by 2022. During this time, the employment-to-population ratio remained largely steady, starting at 64.9% and finishing at 63.9%. Unemployment rates fell from 5.4% in 2012 to 3.35% in 2022, indicating improved job stability. Compared to national averages, area code 507 exhibits higher workforce participation and lower unemployment figures throughout these years.
Minnesota (MN)
Mankato-Fairmont, MN
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