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Address: 123 Example Address, New York, NY, 10001
99001, 99003, 99005, 99011
Spokane, WA
47° 39' 28.75", -117° 25' 30.02"
The number (509) 747-8332 is a Landline line managed by CenturyLink, hailing from Spokane, WA, or the surrounding area. A total of 11 look-ups have been done for this number. 1 comments exist from users, with the freshest one posted on . This number holds a spam level of 10%. For additional in-depth data, look below.
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This number has a 10% spam score
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Phone Number | Carrier | Location | View Details |
(509) 739-7796 | Neutral Tandem | Almira, WA | View Reports |
(509) 620-4394 | Neutral Tandem | Coulee Dam, WA | View Reports |
(509) 237-6228 | AT&T Mobility | Ephrata, WA | View Reports |
(509) 824-1320 | Bandwidth.com | Spokane, WA | View Reports |
(509) 516-1254 | TELNYX | Walla Walla, WA | View Reports |
(509) 747-8332
Spokane Coin Exchange108 N Washington StreetSpokane, Washington 99201Owned by Steve BaldwinNow that gold is in demand, many of the shops eveyrwhere are more than happy to get their hands on all the gold they can. High gas prices forced many people to sell their gold to pay for gasoline alone. I am not to sure however, that you will be treated fairly by Steve Baldwin when you sell your posessions to this business owner. This guy is a convicted felon who spent seven years or more in jail for stealing over $300,000 from his own insurance company several years ago. Of course he denies the allegations, and he claims that he is going to apeal the case because he felt that he was wrongfully accused. But that apeal never took place. Most business leaders take responsibility for their actions, and they take the consequences of their actions as well. Not Steve! He is too much of a coward and he is no business leader. He often told his pathetic story to anyone who was willing to listen, and women were his primary target. He would do this to get them to feel sorry for him, and manipulate them to have sex with him. Real men don't manipulate women to feel sorry for him. Real men don't abuse women the way he abused his wife and children. His children are grown now, but they are very careful when they are in his presence. The scars are still there! Steve started abusing women when he was a very young man, and it all started with his mother, when he would treat her with disrespect. As he got older he moved on to girls his own age, then his wife and children and so on. His version is, that it never happened, or it is always someone elses fault. Today he is married to a woman who is old enough to be his grandaughter. A hidious sight for a man his age, but he didn't have a choice. Women his own age won't have anything to do with him. They don't trust him. At least now he will have free caregiver to take care of him when he gets old. Someone to change the sheets and his diapers when the time comes. Don't kid yourself Steve, your vices have turned you into an old hidious man.He once said that no matter how beautiful a woman is, he will always be looking for someone else. I wonder if he ever realized that as long as he keeps looking for that perfect woman, what he is really looking for is the recognition that he is still able to attract beautiful women into his life. Nothing more than a reflection of his own ego. A never ending lie! A relationship with Steve is nothing more than a stoke of his own ego. Real love, is loving someone else more than you love yourself. His selfish constant desire to be recognized sexually, and have his ego stroked, over and over again, is just a symptom of a low self esteem. This man used to live a very lavish life, and he didn't make all that money for his family. He did it all for himself, because he wanted to be admired. He would even go to the Spokane Club and ask the front desk clerk to page him, just because he wanted to hear his name announced over the intercom. He also wanted everyone else to hear his name. It was his way of advertising his entrance. Isn't that clever? Now he is living in a home that is under his son's name. His credit was completely destroyed, so he took his children from his exwife when he proved that he had another business, and the income to take care of them. Then he used his children to put property in their name, so that he could have the american dream again. It was the only way. He has an angle for everything. This man has never cared about anyone, or loved anyone. He is only interested in financial gain at everyone elses expense. As far as women are concerned, he always has an agenda to exploit and use women any way that he can, to make himself look good. As far as he is concerned, his wives are wh***s who got what they deserved. Steve, you are not a man, and you are not a business leader. You are just a cheap shallow imitation. You are a weak alcholholic cripple!