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About 510 Area Code:
The 510 area code is essential to the telecommunications fabric of California's East Bay. Covering vital regions such as Oakland, Berkeley, Fremont, and Hayward, it shapes local identities and economic activities. This area's unique cultural and economic dynamics make it an important locale to understand. Oakland is the largest city in the 510 area and is known for its vibrant cultural scene and economic significance.
Berkeley is famous for the University of California, Berkeley, and its cultural activities. Fremont is a hub for tech industries and manufacturing sectors, while Hayward has a rich industrial and residential mix, with affordable housing options. Communication is key to the functioning of this region. Reverse phone lookup services have the potential to improve the experiences of businesses and individuals even further.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
6:56:36 PM | Tue, March, 11, 2025 | UTC/GMT-7 |
(510) 313-6711
Total searches: 1970
(510) 722-8576
Total searches: 855
(510) 228-4735
Total searches: 797
(510) 227-8899
Total searches: 755
(510) 936-6285
Total searches: 743
(510) 606-9164
Total searches: 571
(510) 394-3046
Total searches: 538
(510) 224-2019
Total searches: 512
(510) 350-1370
Total searches: 511
(510) 999-3697
Total searches: 499
(510) 692-4938
Total searches: 496
(510) 370-1876
Total searches: 485
(510) 470-9691
Total searches: 478
(510) 422-1261
Total searches: 458
(510) 394-6500
Total searches: 454
ZIP Codes:
22 zip codes Found Check all codes
In area code 510, FCC complaints by contact method have changed quite a bit over the years. Wireless/mobile complaints hit their highest point in 2018, but have since decreased. Wired complaints have dropped consistently, especially in the last few years. VOIP complaints had a notable increase in 2019, but have declined since then. Overall, the trends show some ups and downs in each category.
Residents in the 510 area code have faced ongoing issues with unwanted communication. Telemarketing complaints surged to 699 in 2015, while unwanted calls peaked even higher at 1,023 in 2018. Since that peak, the number of unwanted calls has decreased to 206 in 2023. Notably, robocalls were reported only in 2015 and have not been a factor in subsequent years.
The 510 area code has experienced fluctuations in FCC complaints from 2014 to 2024. The year 2015 marked a peak for both prerecorded voice calls at 513 complaints and live voice calls at 421. Abandoned calls reached their highest point in 2017, with 282 reports. Recently, there has been a downward trend in complaints across all categories, indicating that communication issues may be improving in the area.
Racial demographics in the 510 area code show that a majority of the population is White, making up about 44.4%. The Asian population is significant as well, at nearly 30%, while Black or African American residents represent approximately 10.9%. A smaller percentage, around 0.7%, identifies as Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, and about 14% of the population falls under the category of Some Other Race.
The median household income in the 510 area code has shown a steady increase from 2012 to 2022, starting at $69,031 and rising to $109,426. This growth reflects a significant rise over the years, particularly pronounced from 2020 onward. Comparatively, the national median income also increased, but at a slower pace, growing from $47,301 in 2012 to $66,930 in 2022. The 510 area code consistently surpassed the national average throughout this period, indicating a stronger economic position locally.
Total population in the 510 area code is 2,826,471, with females slightly outnumbering males, 1,426,836 to 1,399,635. This results in a sex ratio of 97.95 males per 100 females. The median age in the area is 39.25 years, which is younger than the national median age of 41.1 years, suggesting a lively community that may attract younger families and professionals. Alameda County is the most populated county within the 510 area code, home to 1,663,823 residents. Contra Costa County follows with a population of 1,162,648. These two counties greatly contribute to the region's demographics and population trends, indicating a diverse community structure. Population growth has been steady from 2012 to 2022, showcasing a consistent increase year by year until a slight dip in 2022. This growth reflects a blend of various households and community dynamics. The narrower age range and balanced gender distribution hint at a mix of young individuals and families, characteristic of many urban areas.
Area code 510 has maintained a labor force participation rate of around 66% from 2012 to 2022, which is higher than the national average of about 58.5% during the same period. The employment to population ratio has improved, reaching 62.7% in 2019 and 2020, surpassing the national average of 55.2%. Unemployment rates have decreased significantly, dropping from 10.0% in 2012 to 5.35% in 2022, indicating a positive shift in job availability. This area consistently shows stronger employment metrics compared to the national averages.
California (CA)
San Francisco-Oakland-Berkeley
San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA
Left multiple voicemails and called me thru 12/19 to today 2/25, Some ****** calling everybody, Left a voicemail with ***le "Thank, THank" Have it blocked
Said they are watching my wife calling her a cheater and using nasty language with her.
FaceTime call
Pretending to be a relative's boyfriend.....that she's never met. Claims to be Swiss, but owns homes in Missisippi, currently working in Venezuala. Uses picutes from a moving agency. Has stolen a fortune from my relative. He says he has 12 million in the bank, so paying her back is no problem, his accounts are all locked, if she could just front him one or eighty grand..... Total fake. Total scam
Several calls, no messages ever left
Messaged me no conteo
He had a thick accent and said he was calling from credit services
They wanted to know which building number I am in
******** HairAss supporters
Idiot did not say anything called back an a drunk answered.
They asked about adding phone lines to our services. Lots of background noise from other spam callers.
Looking for someone who has a vehicle wreck claim with their company. Hoffman. Same as one of the other spam calls listed above. Different name though