Learn more about this area code and exchange and where the caller may be located.
The phone exchange is the three digits after the area code and before the extension. An example is (513) 434-XXXX where 434 is the exchange number. It enables telephone line extensions to be interconnected in a local area based on a specific geographic assignment.
The (513) 434 exchange is located within the 513 area code in Cincinnati, OH. It connects landline numbers from the Neutral Tandem carrier in Butler county. Associated zip codes include 45056.
Potentially, callers could keep their phone numbers even if they move away, so a caller may be located in Cincinnati, OH or elsewhere. You can use a reverse phone lookup to help find the registered address for a potential caller.
(513) 434-3143
Texts asking to call about work
(513) 434-3143
fake job offers through texts
(513) 434-3143
Asking me to call for they may have a position for me. Call at 513-434-3143
(513) 434-8842
unknown calker. didn’t leave voice mail
(513) 434-8009
text me and i will fly u out to LA
(513) 434-8499
Anonymous reported this number as SPAM on July 15, 2022
(513) 434-1683
Communications company
(513) 434-8009
4 calls in a row no voicemail
(513) 434-8009
Same as the other person they called 4 times in a row not even a minute apart.
(513) 434-8009
4 calls 1 minute apart at 1213am - 1217am
(513) 434-1521
Autocaller stating I had to call or they were taking 399.00, but they refused to say who they were.
(513) 434-1521
Wants access to your computer so they can give you a refund or renew your subscription even though they’re going out of business
(513) 434-1521
This was an automated call (left message), said my subscription (related to my computer) was about to expire and my card was going to be charged $399 if I didn't call back immediately. They provided a "toll-free" number. (513) is not toll free! DO NOT call these scammers back!
(513) 434-1521
The caller said my first name.. I asked when did I sign up ? He said when I purchased a computer.. I haven’t purchased a computer. He hung up.
(513) 434-1521
He said he was from the Geek Squad and best Buy. If I didn't cancel my subscription I would be automatically charged $399. I asked him which computer it was for because I have several. When he said the one with Microsoft Windows I knew it was a scam. He got mad & said ok then your card will be charged $399 and hung up on me.