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About 518 Area Code:
The 518 area code is not just a dialing prefix; it symbolizes local identity, community values, and thriving economic activities. Businesses benefit from having a local presence, and the area code plays a crucial role in facilitating communications and operations throughout 17 counties in northeastern New York. It covers key cities like Albany, Schenectady, and Troy.
This area code serves a significant population of over 1.2 million people across a diverse landscape that blends urban, suburban, and rural environments. Given the constant expansion, the latest communication technology is essential to meet the needs of residents. One such service is the reverse phone lookup.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
7:39:22 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-4 |
(518) 394-4469
Total searches: 1160
(518) 800-2849
Total searches: 984
(518) 302-2670
Total searches: 836
(518) 490-4038
Total searches: 752
(518) 318-1603
Total searches: 680
(518) 953-5330
Total searches: 674
(518) 620-5183
Total searches: 613
(518) 720-6015
Total searches: 595
(518) 612-4123
Total searches: 584
(518) 299-9295
Total searches: 573
(518) 620-6452
Total searches: 564
(518) 252-7061
Total searches: 510
(518) 380-2194
Total searches: 472
(518) 262-4000
Total searches: 450
(518) 345-7051
Total searches: 448
New York
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In the 518 area code, most complaints to the FCC have come from wireless/mobile methods, showing big changes from year to year. In 2018, there was a dramatic rise in wireless complaints, peaking at 902. The highest number of wired complaints occurred in 2015, with 396 reported. Recently, there has been a general decline in complaints across all methods, especially in both wireless and wired communications over the past few years.
The 518 area code has seen a notable rise in complaints regarding unwanted calls over the years. Beginning in 2014 with no reports, the number of unwanted calls surged to a peak of 1,212 in 2018. While telemarketing calls were a significant concern in 2015 with 484 complaints, there have been no reports about them since that year. Additionally, robocalls emerged as an issue in 2014 and 2015 but have not been an area of complaint since 2016.
Complaints in the 518 area code have changed considerably from 2014 to 2024. In 2018, prerecorded voice complaints reached their highest point at 830. The most live voice complaints occurred in 2015, with 199 reports. Interestingly, there were no reports of abandoned calls in 2014, 2022, and 2023, which indicates a drop in that issue during those years. Text message complaints also varied, peaking in 2018 and showing another rise in 2024.
The 518 area code has a predominantly White population at about 87.6%. Black or African American individuals make up around 6.5% of the population. Asian residents account for approximately 3.3%, while those identifying as Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander represent just 0.04%. There is also a small percentage of individuals classified as Some Other Race, at about 2.5%.
The median household income in the 518 area code has shown a consistent increase over the years, rising from $53,962 in 2012 to $74,327 in 2022. Throughout this period, household income in this region has remained above the national median income, which climbed from $47,301 to $66,930. The gap between the area code's earnings and the national average has widened, indicating stronger income growth in the 518 area code compared to the national trend. In 2022, the median income in the 518 area code was $7,397 higher than the national figure.
A total population of 2,383,087 is recorded within area code 518, reflecting a relatively balanced gender distribution. The male population stands at 1,192,428, while the female population is 1,190,659, resulting in a sex ratio of around 102 males for every 100 females. This figure is slightly above the national average of 101.6 males per 100 females. The median age in this region is approximately 43.9 years, which is higher than the national median age of 41.1 years. This indicates that the area has a mature population profile. Albany County, Dutchess County, and Saratoga County are the leading contributors to the population, with Albany County housing 315,041 residents, Dutchess County containing 296,467, and Saratoga County contributing 236,328. The population fluctuated over the years, showing a recent improvement from a low of 2,355,700 in 2020 back to the current count in 2022. With 21 unique counties within this area, there is a sense of resilience as more people are drawn to live in this part of the United States. Overall, area code 518 reflects both stability and gradual growth in its population trends.
In the 518 area code, the labor force participation rate decreased from 61.2% in 2012 to 58.8% in 2022. The employment to population ratio has been stable, hovering around 55%. The unemployment rate improved significantly, dropping from 8.52% in 2012 to 5.0% in 2022. Compared to national averages, this area typically shows similar trends but has maintained a slightly higher participation and employment ratio over the years.
New York (NY)
Watertown, NY
Want to speak to my wife about a benefits package. **** up when given a hard time.
They are a soldier in the army and he’s not shown up to work for 2 weeks now and i’m just trying to call him and make sure he’s not dead or if so****ing is wrong so i can help him and figure out why he’s not been at work for 2 weeks
The girl asked me for my my imei number and I didn’t know that that my phone could be cloned with it this was back in 2021 the number was sim dubbed and unfortunately she got all my information and I am still having phone problems. I was trying to get information together
Told me that I have won 4.5million dollars and a ***nd new Ford Bronco.
called to say to call back. Gave case #
I never answered but they called my number 6-8 times in an hour.
Unknown number
Looking for Kamila (he called her his chocot***der luv) and asked if I had little boys
looking to give me a cash offer on my home, but they knew my address.
Not a spammer just don’t know who it was
Shouted F—k at me ***g up, blocked#
They were from my cars warranty