Firebaugh, CA
36° 51' 23.93", -120° 27' 8.99"
The number (559) 296-8862 is a Landline line managed by, hailing from Firebaugh, CA, or the surrounding area. For possible matches to additional data, please check below. If you received a spam call or text, you can help the community out by leaving a review or comment to help other people learn more about this number.
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A phone number may have multiple owners due to a shared/family plan, or a transferral of ownership
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Likely fraudulent, spam, or a new number
Valid Number
Prepaid Number
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Not On DNC List
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0% Spam Risk
Not Leaked
Search Volume
Very High
79 Searches
by our users
Nuisance Call Scan
Low Risk
0 Complaints
by our users
VoIP Number
Yes, Use Caution
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This number has been reported as spam 0 times, has been searched 79 times, and has garnered 4 comments by our users. These numbers do not indicate a high potential spam risk, but report if suspected.
Learn more about this phone number and where the caller may be located.
The 559 area code, encompassing a population of around 2.4 million people across six counties, is characterized by a diverse demographic and a relatively young community. With the largest group identifying as White at approximately 63%, this area also includes significant Hispanic representation. The median household income has shown consistent upward trends but remains below the national average, indicating economic challenges despite a dynamic workforce and community life. Fresno County is notably the most populated within this area code.
According to FCC complaint metrics, the 559 area code has experienced significant shifts in communication patterns. Wireless/mobile complaints peaked in 2017 but have generally decreased, paralleling broader economic trends. VOIP saw a sharp rise in 2021, mirroring similar spikes in prerecorded voice call complaints that year. Unwanted and telemarketing calls showed a dramatic peak but have seen a subsequent decline. This reflects an evolution towards digital and mobile communication methods. Overall, these patterns suggest fluctuating consumer concerns and adapting communication channels in the 559 area code.
AI Disclaimer: This content was generated by artificial intelligence (AI) based on publicly available government data. While we strive for accuracy, the data may be out of date and/or subject to change
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People are Saying:
(559) 296-8862
Same thig- weird! Anthony, holding me on the phone forever acting like he's trying to look for a property in Apollo Beach. Very strange conversation to say the least! I almost felt as though he was hacking into my phone or some weird stuff! So strange!
(559) 296-8862
Had the same person reach out to me saying they are moving to my area and wanting me to help them!!! Thanks for posting your comments!!
(559) 296-8862
Received a text from this number (Li Shuxing) stating they are moving to my area and wanting to buy a home. In addition to asking for Wahtsapp and after seeing the comment posted 8/10. This confirmed my su****ion due to this person rea****g out to me on my personal number that I do not use/publish for real estate purposes.
(559) 296-8862
Scam targeting realtors, said they wanted to buy a home in my area and then asked for WhatsApp info.