Learn more about this area code and exchange and where the caller may be located.
The phone exchange is the three digits after the area code and before the extension. An example is (559) 461-XXXX where 461 is the exchange number. It enables telephone line extensions to be interconnected in a local area based on a specific geographic assignment.
The (559) 461 exchange is located within the 559 area code in Visalia-Porterville-Hanford, CA. It connects landline numbers from the O1 Communications carrier in Tulare county. Associated zip codes include 93262.
Potentially, callers could keep their phone numbers even if they move away, so a caller may be located in Visalia-Porterville-Hanford, CA or elsewhere. You can use a reverse phone lookup to help find the registered address for a potential caller.
(559) 461-5171
No message left. Block the number regardless
(559) 461-5171
Caller ID says CreditorBureau . Caller was foreign. Totally sketchy, says it's a private buisness matter. Which was a lie.
(559) 461-6692
This number is a scam number. It is****ociated with curvy way boho s***s. When you call the number someone just answered like it's their home phone. Don't buy from these companies it's a scam
(559) 461-5171
(559) 461-5171
Spam spam spam spam
(559) 461-9182
(559) 461-9744
S****..mentioned two devices charged to my verizon account.
(559) 461-8599
She said she texted me by mistake, her friend’s number was similar to mine. Asked me some questions that seemed strange..my age group, where I worked, where I’m from.. I thought it was an honest mistake. Said she lives in Manhattan and works for Goldman Sachs. Originally from Beijing. Said her name was Li Nanxi.
(559) 461-5111
Name used was Samantha's
(559) 461-0223
Anonymous reported this number as SPAM on August 19, 2022
(559) 461-3030
Cell phone not a land line
(559) 461-5873
this phone number is****ociated with a *** scam promise. Booking pre meeting are requested but the way to see if they are delivering or scamming is to prompt them from two phones and requested in different towns. at the same time. At this point you know it is scam, let alone in Texas pros***ution is ilegal. Hope this helps many not get scammed. This is a Nigerian scam led by a male at the time I *****d it. Anonymous names provided. November 25, 2021 Anonymous November 25, 2021
(559) 461-5873
this phone number is****ociated with a *** scam promise. Booking pre meeting are requested but the way to see if they are delivering or scamming is to prompt them from two phones and requested in different towns. at the same time. At this point you know it is scam, let alone in Texas pros***ution is ilegal. Hope this helps many not get scammed. This is a Nigerian scam led by a male at the time I *****d it. Anonymous names provided. November 25, 2021
(559) 461-9589
(559) 461-9589