Text received from this number "Make big money with TEMU in the USA! We offer you part-time work from home for 30-90 minutes per day, a base salary of $950 every 3 days, and commissions of $70 to $600 for daily tasks! Same-day payment. Are you ready to s**** working? Contact us via WhatsApp for a quick free training and s**** working immediately!
(Note: You must be 25 years or older) "
(572) 219-8888
No sure who is is.
(572) 219-8071
Hey give me a call what time you coming back why did you leave
(572) 219-8071
Hey give me a call what time you coming back why don't you come when I wasn't here and leave before I got back
(572) 219-9134
Text received from this number "Make big money with TEMU in the USA! We offer you part-time work from home for 30-90 minutes per day, a base salary of $950 every 3 days, and commissions of $70 to $600 for daily tasks! Same-day payment. Are you ready to s**** working? Contact us via WhatsApp for a quick free training and s**** working immediately! https://wa.me/13654775913?AfQ=p3OboSuYiq (Note: You must be 25 years or older) "
(572) 219-9540
Just want to know for 5 years is my girlfriend cheating 3 days ago
(572) 219-0162
How can I find my lost phone?
(572) 219-7346
This is my fiancé Edward Chabot you guys are suppose to be giving me reports on it's usage!!