Lucedale, MS
30° 55' 27.57", -88° 35' 21.04"
The phone number 601-947-3161 belongs to George Regional Health System, located in Lucedale, Mississippi. This facility is classified as an acute care hospital and is owned by the local government. The area code 601 serves a portion of Mississippi, including parts of Hattiesburg, Jackson, and smaller towns like Lucedale. Residents in the region may receive calls from this number related to medical services, appointment reminders, or health information. It’s important to note that hospitals, including George Regional Health System, may be used by scammers who impersonate healthcare providers to obtain personal information. Being aware of this can help residents identify potential scams in their area. If you receive calls from this number, they are likely legitimate, but always verify if you are unsure. The hospital also offers emergency services, making it an essential resource for the community.
Want to learn more? Check the (601) 947-3161 FAQ
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