Learn more about this area code and exchange and where the caller may be located.
The phone exchange is the three digits after the area code and before the extension. An example is (614) 683-XXXX where 683 is the exchange number. It enables telephone line extensions to be interconnected in a local area based on a specific geographic assignment.
The (614) 683 exchange is located within the 614 area code in Columbus, OH. It connects landline numbers from the Bandwidth.com carrier in Franklin county. Associated zip codes include 43119.
Potentially, callers could keep their phone numbers even if they move away, so a caller may be located in Columbus, OH or elsewhere. You can use a reverse phone lookup to help find the registered address for a potential caller.
(614) 683-4809
Did the calers first name s**** with an "A."? Did the callers last name s**** with a "S."? OR FIRST NAME BEGIN with a "D"? LAST NAME BEGIN with a "S"? If so, please leave message/comment for me. Thanks.
(614) 683-4809
Says this is a personal number
(614) 683-8654
(614) 683-0755
Texted and I don’t know who’s it is.
(614) 683-9970
The person using this phone number scammed me out of $675 by use of gift cards.
(614) 683-0145
Wants to buy my house but the address isn’t mine!!! LOL. CAN YOU SAY SCAMMER!!!!!
(614) 683-8778
Asking to purchase my home by address.
(614) 683-2789
My husband carried that number from 2008-2020
(614) 683-0145
Unsolicited text message from a home buyer scammer wanting to buy your home.
(614) 683-9304
Anonymous reported this number as SPAM on September 20, 2022
(614) 683-7497
Wont stop texting me spam
(614) 683-7802
Unsolicited political
(614) 683-8884
It is a claimed money lender, due suspicious activity, I believe it is a scam.
(614) 683-5886
Called six times, 15 minutes apart. Never left a message.
(614) 683-9312
Whats app text/phone number