Owner's Name
Address: 123 Example Address, New York, NY, 10001
Los Angeles
91010, 91702, 91706, 91722
Covina, CA
34° 5' 21.2", -117° 53' 31.82"
The phone number (626) 209-2241 is located in or around Covina, CA. This Landline number is registered through Centurylink. There have been 165 searches conducted for this number with 27 user comments as of latest received on June 22nd, 2012. This number has a current spam score of 100%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
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100% Spam Risk
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165 Searches
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This number has been reported as spam 1 times, has been searched 165 times, and has garnered 27 comments by our users. These numbers are higher than average, indicating a possible high risk of spam.
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A phone number may have multiple owners due to a shared/family plan, or a transferral of ownership
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Phone Number | Carrier | Location | View Details |
(626) 507-9461 | Integrated Path Communications | Sierra Madre, CA | View Reports |
(626) 469-8247 | Charter Fiberlink | Pasadena:Pasadena DA, CA | View Reports |
(626) 263-6713 | Bandwidth.com | Monrovia, CA | View Reports |
(626) 708-3968 | Bandwidth.com | Sierra Madre, CA | View Reports |
(626) 386-2624 | Mpower | Monrovia, CA | View Reports |
(626) 209-2241
Scammer debt buyers. If you have a debt for a library book of $1.60, they have purchased it!! And now turned that $1.60 into $1600.00 and want it in full by credit card over the phone. They will pester the ever loving crap out of you!!!
(626) 209-2241
I dont know why they are calling me. When I tell them I am not that person they say they cannot remove my name. Very interesting, they need to stop.
(626) 209-2241
I see they are at it again.. Don't these people ever give up aggravating folks??
(626) 209-2241
i give them rasberries
(626) 209-2241
Qit calling!!!
(626) 209-2241
Junk Debt Buyers - a growing slime pit There's a thriving industry of debt buyers who purchase very old and long-neglected debts for pennies on the dollar. They tack on fees and interest, and then try to collect the entire amount for the full amount plus interest. They're junk debt buyers, and while their business isn't necessarily wrong or illegal, their practices often are. Problem is, a lot of debt buying firms are bottom-feeding scumbags who will resort to any sleazy tactic to make a buck, and have no respect for the law. Specifically the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, which they regularly abuse, taking advantage of consumers' ignorance of their rights and timidity when confronted by tough collectors. Their secret is, they purchase old, bad debts that the original creditor wrote off as un-collectable, and then pursue them years later when your credit score has come back up. See, they aren't stupid. If you're the same 420-credit score who never paid that bill for the last 10 years, they won't waste your time. But if you've gone on to purchase a home and clean up your act and you're now enjoying a 650-plus score, you're their prime target. These debtors, they (correctly) reason, are more likely to settle up these old debts now that they've achieved some financial security. Especially when the collector has illegally re-aged the account and brought the debtor's credit score crashing to earth.GOOGLE: PORTFOLIO RECOVERY HARASSMENT -also- STOP JUNK DEBT COLLECTORSPortfolio Recovery Portfolio Junk Debt Collectors'Zombie' debt is hard to kill - MSN Moneyjunk debt collectorsSOL debt collectorsPortfolio Recovery
(626) 209-2241
Don't these guys ever give up? Surely they must know we're on to them at this point? Do they just hope that the gullible 1% of their targets will cough up money to make them enough of a profit to stay in business? Like spammers? Sure looks that way to me.8 months ago they sent me a letter, naturally I burned the thing, but they were pursuing a 14 year old debt. That's 4 years past statute of limitations in my state. There's nobody we can turn to to stop these people?
(626) 209-2241
I like'd it on facebook, but don't like it when they call my number
(626) 209-2241
These guys specialize in recovering any college debt you may have.
(626) 209-2241
Sure they call about a 16 year old debt. They even call my cell phone. Do they really think I am going to use up my minuites talking to some bill collector?
(626) 209-2241
hangs up when answering machine comes on
(626) 209-2241
This company portfolio recovery is a national phishing scam trying to get your personal information to open new accounts in your name. They tried to 'collect' for LOWES in my case.Never Ever give out your:BirthdateSSNAddressAccount numberName on the CardThey should have that make them tell you. If they won't hang up.Write down the phone number immediately if you can get it. Call your local District Attorney's office immediately and if they won't help your state's Attorney General's office.Also, place a call to the corporate offices of the company they are supposedly collecting for.Good luck.
(626) 209-2241
15103551780 is also portfolio recoery
(626) 209-2241
was the debt yours though Scott? what did you put in the email?
(626) 209-2241
After months of getting calls from this company I had never even heard a person answer when I picked up. If I called back it would send me through a string of press 1 press 2. Finally I emailed the company through their contact list and this is the response:"Your email has been received and noted. It appears that your number had been linked to an account in error. It has been removed and blocked. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.Mark DavidsonAssistant Vice PresidentPortfolio Recovery AssociatesThis communication is from a debt collector"You've been calling me multiple times daily because of an ERROR? Thanks [email protected]
(626) 209-2241
Total bottom feeders sneaky called asking about information for sale of a vehicle. all just a hoax tryna find out who you are so that they can contact you about a bill. collector tell them leave you. The flip a lone.
(626) 209-2241
I just got a call from a new # 702-410-7069. I have about 15 of their numbers already blocked. I have requested validation of the debt which they provided and is bogus. I have told them repeatedly that this as been resolved through the original creditor and besides the statue of limitations has expired.
(626) 209-2241
Thanks a bunch for all your hard work on Portfolio, it is a big helpI have two more numbers you may want to check out and add to your lisr678-265-1568510-355-1780Thanks again
(626) 209-2241
Bottom feeder debt collector - Portfolio Recovery Associates
(626) 209-2241
received call Monday A.M.
(626) 209-2241
Just want to add a Portfolio number to Collector_of_Portfolio_Tel_#s list. The number is 678-265-1568. Called me from that number on the 02/02/2011. And yes, on a settled debt that happened over 10 years ago.
(626) 209-2241
These people need to get a life and stop harassing everyone who will they call when we are gone? I hate these calls . Find the right person Stop calling please. Im on the no call list.if i don't know the number i don't answer.
(626) 209-2241
trying to collect a debt from 1998 and I don't even remember it. They keep calling from same group with different numbers.
(626) 209-2241
Portfolio Recovery attempting to get at a ghost debt from over 15 years ago. Scammers!
(626) 209-2241
Both of the above posts are absolutely correct! The following (wordy) paragraph is a Totally Unsolicited (but Well Deserved!) endorsement for whocallsme.com. (Seriously, I have absolutely no affiliation with this website and very seldom register with any site if not required) I finally registered with 'whocallsme.com' because (after much research) determined that it is BY FAR the best company of its kind anywhere on the web. 'Who Calls Me' provides USEFUL and (mostly) accurate information free of charge, nearly 100 percent of the time. If a reverse look up on whocallsme.com does not bring up any results, it is either a brand new number that you happened to be the first to enter (unlikely) or a confirmation that the telephone number belongs to a private party, local business, or was just an accidental wrong number. Of course Who Calls Me is a commercial website with a goal of making a profit (and I sincerely hope that it does!). They offer anyone who wants or needs to obtain additional specific information associated with a given cell phone or land line number the choice to do so. Unlike nearly all of the other 'similar' sites, however, they provide a wealth of FREE information that usually will quickly and easily confirm most ANY telephone number that is involved in fraudulent activity such as phishing scams, Legitimate Fund Raising companies, Debt Collection Agencies (some operating legally and many NOT!), companies using 'Cold Call' (usually unwelcome) tactics, and generally will confirm any of the countless large companies and organizations that use automated mass computer calling systems which seem to attack many of us relentlessly. Anyhoo, again, this is my unsolicited (well earned) endorsement of whocallsme.com which has provided me with quick, reliable, and useful FREE INFORMATION for at least a year now. My only suggestion regarding the accuracy of the information that is posted, is to check more than one reply for a given number. Sometimes posters make assumptions and attribute the wrong company or organization to a number and obviously the website administrator(s) can't confirm the accuracy of what must be zillions of pages on their site. There are normally enough other posts associated with a number to quickly and easily confirm the true identity of a company's telephone number. If you have been using whocallsme.com you undoubtedly already know this information. If not, I would recommend that anyone doing a Reverse Number look up, in order to save much time and aggravation to quickly scan the first (and maybe second) page returns of search results for 'whocallsme.com' and skip all the others. It is often not the very first return (those are usually the sites that pay a small fortune to trick Google into deciding that they are websites containing rich and relevant content.....BUT USUALLY DO NOT!!!). If 'Who Calls Me' is not on the first page with the telephone number (keyword) you entered , chances are good that the number is not a 'problem' number that any website has any free information on. If you need additional information on a number that is not posted on Who Calls Me and are willing to pay for it, my recommendation then (for what its worth) would still be to go through their website to get it in order to help support all of the great FREE services they provide. End of totally unsolicited (SERIOUSLY!), but Well Deserved endorsement for whocallsme.com.Following are the Portfolio Recovery Numbers that I have compiled so far (about 75). It has become a 'faux' Hobby of mine to collect and provide to others, as many of Portfolio's numbers as I can to anyone who may want to enter them into their phone and block the constant 'intrusions'.This list includes many calls that I have received personally as well as those compiled by other posters. It is probably not absolutely 'Perfect', however, I have tried to check every number from at least two different sources before adding it to the list. I think it is one of the most comprehensive lists available, but I'm also sure that it is not 100 percent complete. Also some of the numbers are possibly no longer (or not currently) being used by Portfolio Recovery. Please copy and paste the list along with any numbers not included here. Please try to keep the list uncorrupted by double checking any additions for accuracy (transposed numbers, etc.) as well as adding ONLY telephone numbers belonging to Portfolio Recovery. I plan to post this list in every thread on this site......(eventually). As Polpot suggests in the post above, Portfolio probably has a brand new batch of numbers that they have begun using. Having said that, it seems that the total number of telephone lines they have in their budget is not as unlimited as it may seem, and the list is pretty easy to manage and keep up to date on a 'Caller Block' list.I know the number of RUDE, Recurring, Harassing, Un-timely, Un-welcome, and totally Unwarranted intrusions into my life by this Sleazy 'company' have been dramatically reduced (Nearly Eliminated) since I started blocking them out of my life. (UPDATED 02-06-2011)204-949 3108205-423-4020205-588-8181212-000-4956215-944-8989239-642-8598404-592-5171407-347-4014410-282-1420412-282-1420440-580-0720443-313-1380484-489-2840513-878-4916602-264-2270602-795-1383605-782-2890620-662-1492620-662-8870626-209-2241661-673-4507702-410-7069727-637-8527731-215-8010731-984-7690757-321-2508757-321-6271757-321-6279757-321-6280757-321-6281757-321-6282757-519-9300757-847-4539757-864-0020757-961-3544757-961-3545757-961-3546757-961-3547757-961-3548786-206-8643800-427-7142800-473-7994800-772-1413847-678-9710847-791-0193847-994-2540847-994-2544858-346-1184864-268-3762866-240-7530866-658-7508866-691-3568866-887-0973866-891-3257866-940-7640877-275-8236877-749-9731877-803-0008877-876-8723888-218-5212888-543-6072888-772-7326918-442-0320973-947-4806980-939-7534--------------------
(626) 209-2241
Yep, they have started off the new year using a whole new group of local phone numbers. They usually come across as City, State and the local number. Scumbags the whole lot of them
(626) 209-2241
Bottom feeder collectors. They try to collect on bills so old that there are no records.