Owner's Name
Address: 123 Example Address, New York, NY, 10001
Verizon Business
93220, 93301, 93302, 93303
Bakersfield:Main DA, CA
35° 22' 23.89", -119° 1' 7.18"
The number (661) 316-0257 is a Landline line managed by Verizon Business, hailing from Bakersfield:Main DA, CA, or the surrounding area. A total of 69 look-ups have been done for this number. 7 comments exist from users, with the freshest one posted on August 20th, 2014. This number holds a spam level of 70%. For additional in-depth data, look below.
Want to learn more? Check the (661) 316-0257 FAQ
This number has 7 spam reports
This number has a 70% spam score
This number has 7 comments
This number has 69 searches
A phone number may have multiple owners due to a shared/family plan, or a transferral of ownership
Learn more about this phone number and where the caller may be located.
Phone Number | Carrier | Location | View Details |
(661) 750-7976 | Bandwidth.com | Tehachapi, CA | View Reports |
(661) 384-8317 | MetroPCS | Bakersfield:Main DA, CA | View Reports |
(661) 215-4589 | Neutral Tandem | Bakersfield:North DA, CA | View Reports |
(661) 917-1592 | AT&T Mobility | Lancaster, CA | View Reports |
(661) 243-3694 | Bandwidth.com | Bakersfield:North DA, CA | View Reports |
(661) 316-0257
calls my work everyday multiple time...ignore ignore...IGNORE
(661) 316-0257
Call ask you hold a minutes than hang up
(661) 316-0257
Calls with a recording for you to hold then hangs up
(661) 316-0257
Calls at least twice a day. I don't answer.
(661) 316-0257
Calls at least 3+ times a day, never leaves a message. I just don't answer.
(661) 316-0257
just call and hang up, never leave a msg and call pretty often
(661) 316-0257
Calls, then hangs up