Learn more about this area code and exchange and where the caller may be located.
The phone exchange is the three digits after the area code and before the extension. An example is (719) 319-XXXX where 319 is the exchange number. It enables telephone line extensions to be interconnected in a local area based on a specific geographic assignment.
The (719) 319 exchange is located within the 719 area code in Pueblo, CO. It connects landline numbers from the Onvoy carrier in Mineral county. Associated zip codes include 81130.
Potentially, callers could keep their phone numbers even if they move away, so a caller may be located in Pueblo, CO or elsewhere. You can use a reverse phone lookup to help find the registered address for a potential caller.
(719) 319-7671
(719) 319-4812
This is a utility fraud scam
(719) 319-3907
Anonymous number text
(719) 319-8317
stating on caller ID Police Department, but would not talk when we ansewed the call. scam!!
(719) 319-0196
(719) 319-7220
Person said his name was Russell M Ballard?
(719) 319-0159
Called me telling me my service package had expired on the car I had bought new... 2 days before.
(719) 319-1394
Inteliquent Onvoy scam.
(719) 319-0155
About French pups
(719) 319-5257
****** scammer
(719) 319-3253
Onvoy LLC Scam Robocall - warranty scam.
(719) 319-4036
Religious themed scammer calling via automated message stating, “Start the change through prayer, press 1 for prayer now or press 3 to disconnect.”
(719) 319-4037
Fraud spam
(719) 319-3225
Not a valid number according to NumberGuru -- must be spoofed.
(719) 319-3225
This Number Guru website says "Valid Number - NO" Silent call.