Division No. 17
T0B, T9V
Lloydminster, AB
53° 17' 2", -110° 0' 0"
The number (780) 872-3464 is a Landline line managed by TELUS, hailing from Lloydminster, AB, or the surrounding area. For possible matches to additional data, please check below. If you received a spam call or text, you can help the community out by leaving a review or comment to help other people learn more about this number.
Want to learn more? Check the (780) 872-3464 FAQ
A phone number may have multiple owners due to a shared/family plan, or a transferral of ownership
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FraudScan Score
Fraud Risk
Legitimate User Activity
Likely fraudulent, spam, or a new number
Valid Number
Prepaid Number
Active Status
Active Status Unknown
Do not Call Status
Not On DNC List
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Likely a Safe Caller
User Score
Spam Score
% Spam Risk
Not Leaked
Search Volume
Very High
21 Searches
by our users
Nuisance Call Scan
Low Risk
by our users
VoIP Number
Recent Abuse
No Recent Abuse Found
Risk Level
This number has been reported as spam times, has been searched 21 times, and has garnered 1 comment by our users. These numbers do not indicate a high potential spam risk, but report if suspected.
Learn more about this phone number and where the caller may be located.
In area code 780, demographic and economic trends indicate a diverse and evolving population, with a blend of urban and rural characteristics. According to public data sources, this region has experienced gradual shifts in economic activities, largely influenced by its proximity to metropolitan areas and resource-based industries. Community structures also reflect a mix of cultural backgrounds, contributing to a dynamic social landscape.
In recent years, area code 780 has exhibited fluctuating FCC complaint metrics. Wireless/mobile complaints peaked notably in 2017, resurfacing as a concern in 2023, demonstrating patterns in communication issues. In contrast, wired complaints were prevalent around 2016 and again in 2021, indicating variance in communication methods. During 2021, VOIP complaints experienced a marked rise, suggesting an increase in technology adoption. Over the years, prerecorded voice complaints followed a declining trend post-2015, with a slight increase observed recently. The incidence of live voice complaints spiked in 2017, while telemarketing grievances remained relatively low post-2016. As of the current year, robocall grievances have become rare, reflecting changing communication patterns in the region.
AI Disclaimer: This content was generated by artificial intelligence (AI) based on publicly available government data. While we strive for accuracy, the data may be out of date and/or subject to change
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(780) 872-3464
Chad r