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About 801 Area Code:
The 801 area code is a significant and historical part of Utah’s telecommunication landscape. It covers major cities such as Salt Lake City, Provo, Ogden, and West Jordan. In recent years, big news in Salt Lake City has included the Salt Lake City International Airport expansion project, which includes a new terminal and additional gates to accommodate growing passenger numbers. This project aims to improve the airport’s capacity and enhance traveler experience. The $5.1 billion investment is expected to produce $9.8 billion in economic benefit. Provo has seen significant growth, with new housing developments and infrastructure projects underway.
The city has also been focusing on expanding its tech sector, drawing attention from startups and established tech companies. West Jordan has also seen a housing boom. Ogden has been making headlines with its efforts to revitalize downtown and boost its local economy. New businesses and restaurants have opened, contributing to a vibrant downtown scene. In a region with some of the worst wintertime pollution in the country, there have been several local efforts to address environmental concerns, including air quality issues. Various cities in the 801 area have implemented initiatives to promote green practices and reduce pollution.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
5:54:54 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-6 |
(801) 877-5491
Total searches: 3683
(801) 877-5855
Total searches: 2498
(801) 893-4969
Total searches: 1602
(801) 877-3859
Total searches: 1544
(801) 820-0263
Total searches: 1483
(801) 823-2031
Total searches: 1180
(801) 386-9230
Total searches: 1058
(801) 227-7000
Total searches: 1046
(801) 594-6000
Total searches: 823
(801) 877-1122
Total searches: 731
(801) 605-1816
Total searches: 709
(801) 401-1001
Total searches: 693
(801) 877-5477
Total searches: 656
(801) 821-2172
Total searches: 593
(801) 781-6173
Total searches: 562
ZIP Codes:
45 zip codes Found Check all codes
In the 801 area code, most complaints received by the FCC have come from wireless/mobile sources, with notable changes year by year. Wireless complaints reached their highest point in 2015 but have mostly gone down since then. Wired complaints have dropped significantly, especially in the last few years. VOIP complaints have shown slight variations but also tend to decline overall.
The 801 area code has seen changes in complaints about unwanted calls over the years. In 2015, telemarketing calls generated the most complaints, totaling 593, but have since fallen to zero in the last few years. Robocalls peaked in 2014 with 25 complaints but have not been reported since 2017. Overall, there is a noticeable trend of decreasing complaints for these issues in the 801 area code.
Complaints to the FCC in the 801 area code have shown notable changes in the types of calls from 2014 to 2024. Prerecorded voice complaints peaked in 2015 but have mostly declined in subsequent years. Meanwhile, live voice complaints have fluctuated, with a significant decrease observed recently, and abandoned calls have remained low, with none reported in the last few years. Text message complaints saw a rise in 2022 but have since experienced a slight drop, reflecting a shift in communication issues faced by residents over time.
The 801 area code shows a dominant racial demographic, with approximately 87.8% of the population identified as White. Black or African American individuals make up a smaller portion at about 1.4%. Asian residents comprise around 3%, while Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander individuals account for approximately 1.2%. Additionally, those identifying as Some Other Race represent about 6.5% of the population in this area.
A total population of 2,485,023 resides within the 801 area code, with 1,260,265 males and 1,224,758 females. This results in a sex ratio of 103.94 males for every 100 females, showing a slightly higher number of males compared to females. The median age in this area is 31.18 years, which is notably younger than the national median age of 41.1 years. Salt Lake County is the largest county in the region, home to 1,180,643 residents. Utah County follows with a population of 666,021, and Davis County rounds out the top three with 363,032 residents. Overall, the 801 area code encompasses five counties, highlighting the variety of communities in the area. Over the past decade, the population has steadily increased from 2,095,886 in 2012. This growth indicates an upward trend in the area’s appeal, especially among younger families and individuals. The demographic information supports the notion that this region has a vibrant and youthful population, which plays a significant role in the local economy and social landscape.
Area code 801 showcases a labor force participation rate that consistently exceeds the national average, peaking at 69.4% in 2022. The employment to population ratio has experienced significant growth, reaching 67.0% that same year. The unemployment rate has steadily declined, finishing at 2.86% in 2022, which is notably lower than the national average of 5.19%. These figures highlight a robust job market and a favorable economic climate in the region.
Utah (UT)
Salt Lake City
Salt Lake
Salt Lake City-Ogden, UT
Trying to get me to verify security info about healthcare
Called me three times in four days.
Overdue bill. I have never purchased anything from this company.
Did not receive a call, however charge on my credit card for 1,953.06. Very surprised that credit card companies are not blocking this company.
Over $6000 in fraudulent charges to my credit card. Scam!
Saw a $1436 auto charge on my statement. This is the phone number on my statement. I called and its a voicemail.
I don't know if was spam or not they just sent me "Martha". I got the same text on a different number, it just said "Martha" to. I don't know who it could be on either number.
Stealing me 987 dollar, and i have no idea what it is for. The location show TX, but i was in california. Totally stealer, i have called the bank to cancel this transfer.
They said I was past due on a loan I never took out. They refused to provide any do***entation. Total scam.
My name is damaged
Asked for name, address, and dob.
Debt collector- North American Recovery. Calls for said person without explaining who they are expecting they are going to get what they want out of the call and when you don't give them what they want, they abruptly **** up on you.
EventBrite was who I bought a ticket to a local event. That comment was helpful.
health bill