Other Area Codes / Neighbors
About 810 Area Code:
Area code 810, covering cities like Flint and Port Huron in Michigan, has experienced notable changes and developments over the past year, reflecting shifts in both economic activity and community life. Flint, a city long associated with its water crisis, has been making strides toward recovery, though the impact of this protracted struggle is likely to linger for many years.
Meanwhile, Port Huron seems to have taken steps to revive the local economy. In October 2023, the Port Huron Southside Neighborhood Improvement Authority took shape, made up of seven residents and community members appointed by the Port Huron City Council. The NIA plans to involve residents, business owners and stakeholders to develop a strategic plan for the future of the Southside.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
8:22:53 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-4 |
(810) 244-4230
Total searches: 1973
(810) 669-6251
Total searches: 823
(810) 250-4782
Total searches: 816
(810) 201-6165
Total searches: 803
(810) 209-4810
Total searches: 674
(810) 204-4310
Total searches: 659
(810) 221-8401
Total searches: 650
(810) 201-6198
Total searches: 634
(810) 631-1897
Total searches: 633
(810) 580-5670
Total searches: 529
(810) 620-7274
Total searches: 493
(810) 356-5756
Total searches: 467
(810) 366-9076
Total searches: 457
(810) 201-8806
Total searches: 436
(810) 471-4222
Total searches: 399
ZIP Codes:
63 zip codes Found Check all codes
In the 810 area code, complaints to the FCC have changed over the years from 2014 to 2024 based on the method of call. Wireless/mobile complaints peaked in 2018 but have decreased since then. Wired complaints have generally declined, especially after 2019. On the other hand, VOIP complaints have shown some growth, with noticeable increases in 2021 and 2023. This trend suggests that residents are shifting the way they express their concerns.
The 810 area code has experienced a noticeable shift in complaints regarding unwanted calls over the years. Complaints surged from zero in 2014 to a peak of 292 in 2018 before starting to decline. Telemarketing calls were particularly high in 2015, with 141 complaints, but there have been no issues reported since then. Robocalls were also a concern early on but have dropped to zero complaints by 2018, showing an overall trend of decreasing unwanted call complaints in the area.
In the 810 area code, complaints about different types of calls have changed significantly over the years. Prerecorded voice complaints peaked in 2018, whereas live voice complaints were highest in 2015. Abandoned call complaints fluctuated, reaching their highest in 2018, but notably dropped to zero in 2022 and 2023. Text message complaints have remained low overall, but a slight increase in recent years suggests that consumer concerns are shifting in this area.
The racial demographics for the 810 area code show that the majority of the population is White, making up about 81.3%. Black or African American individuals represent approximately 12.7% of the population. Asian residents account for around 4.9%, while Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander populations are very small at 0.03%. Lastly, those identified as Some Other Race comprise about 1.1% of the area's demographic.
The 810 area code has shown consistent growth in median household income from 2012 to 2022. Starting at approximately $49,454 in 2012, it reached $66,085 by 2022, surpassing the national median income of $66,930. Over the years, the income in this area consistently remained above the national average until 2020, after which it fell slightly below the national figure in 2021, before catching up again in 2022. The overall trend indicates positive economic changes in the region.
The area covered by the 810 area code has a total population of 3,297,947. Gender distribution is almost even, with 1,628,429 males and 1,669,518 females, resulting in a sex ratio of roughly 99.41 males for every 100 females. The median age in this region is approximately 42.69 years, which is slightly above the national median age of 41.1 years. Oakland County is the largest county in this area, housing 1,272,264 residents. It is followed by Macomb County with a population of 878,453 and Genesee County with 405,280 residents. Nine counties altogether make up the area, creating a varied and diverse population landscape. Since 2012, population growth has shown a consistent upward trend, rising from about 3,221,000. This steady increase indicates a thriving community characterized by established families and various age groups. The demographics reflect a mix of lifestyles that contribute to the area's culture and identity.
The labor force participation rate in the 810 area code has remained steady, ranging from 60.5% to 61.9% from 2012 to 2022. The employment to population ratio increased from 53.9% in 2012 to a high of 57.2% in 2019 and then settled at 56.9% in 2022. A notable decline in the unemployment rate was observed, dropping from 12.93% in 2012 to 5.8% in 2022, which suggests improved job opportunities. Compared to national averages, the unemployment rate in the 810 area code has consistently been higher, indicating better local employment conditions over the observed years.
Michigan (MI)
Flint, MI
Called at 1:30am said his name was Steve-“neighbor down the street” having Amazon drop his package at my address. He said he is having it delivered between 4:30am-7am and he will be waiting on my porch till it arrives. Ended up ignoring him and he said I hear you breathing. *Next time he needs to call Jesus and ask for help.
Stated he accidentally delivered a package to someone’s house
He was our neighbor and so****ing was wrong with our electrical box and he had to climb a tree to see that are electrical wasn’t working…then he said is this a landline this 90’s technology. He was rude and weird he’s calling from a landline. We will report him and we’ve block him…but job needs some help
Said they needed to verify personal information
Female called to say my Dr sent them Information and they needed to confirm it
renewing lifelock membership
They said*****o then I could not hear their voice after. It was a male voice.
They have been calling me for the last week and have not talked when
Reporting a fake fraudulent charge via text, then calling to get me to “trouble*****” the (fake) fraud and provide banking information.
They had found 7,00 fraudulent purchases on my account wanted to know who I bank with.
My Samsung / AT&T showed Illegal scam. And it was forwarded to my scam / blocked calls
Nothing they ***g up
That they have unusual activity on my Apple Watch.
Just an informational call about final expenses . What state do I live in?