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About 812 Area Code:
Area code 812, spanning the southern third of Indiana, is a region rich in history, industry, and culture. It covers cities such as Evansville, Bloomington, and Terre Haute. Evansville is a key regional hub for commerce across Indiana, Kentucky, and Illinois. Its largest industries include healthcare, finance, education, and manufacturing.
Significant employment sectors in the city are energy, warehousing and distribution, and retail. The Bloomington and Monroe County region boasts major employers across a range of industries, including education, life sciences, advanced manufacturing, and technology. Indiana University plays a central role in the economic landscape. Situated along the Wabash River, Terre Haute is one of the largest cities in the Wabash Valley and is often referred to as the Queen City of the Wabash. The city hosts several prominent higher-education institutions, including Indiana State University, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, and Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
7:22:43 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-4 |
6:22:43 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-5 |
7:22:43 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-4 |
7:22:43 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-4 |
7:22:43 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-4 |
7:22:43 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-4 |
6:22:43 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-5 |
7:22:43 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-4 |
7:22:43 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-4 |
(812) 629-0999
Total searches: 1510
(812) 407-4465
Total searches: 1130
(812) 402-3294
Total searches: 1076
(812) 264-3363
Total searches: 962
(812) 289-6796
Total searches: 892
(812) 382-8697
Total searches: 841
(812) 947-0921
Total searches: 821
(812) 250-8142
Total searches: 820
(812) 370-4275
Total searches: 783
(812) 218-3144
Total searches: 777
(812) 629-0998
Total searches: 708
(812) 993-3933
Total searches: 649
(812) 902-5653
Total searches: 640
(812) 632-4508
Total searches: 627
(812) 470-6389
Total searches: 620
ZIP Codes:
260 zip codes Found Check all codes
In area code 812, FCC complaints show a considerable rise in both wireless/mobile and wired complaints from 2014 to 2020. Wireless complaints peaked at 215 in 2017. Wired complaints increased significantly in 2019 and 2020, reaching a high of 401. However, in recent years, both types of complaints have decreased, with wired complaints dropping to just 13 by 2023. VOIP complaints have stayed low overall but have varied from year to year.
In the 812 area code, there has been a notable pattern in complaints about unwanted calls over the years. The highest number of complaints occurred in 2020, with 494 reports. Telemarketing issues were particularly prominent in 2015, when they peaked at 98 complaints, but there have been no reports since 2017. Robocalls also peaked in 2015 with 69 complaints and have remained mostly absent in the following years, leading to an overall decline in unwanted call complaints from 494 in 2020 to a projected 61 in 2024.
FCC complaints in the 812 area code have varied over the years. There was a significant increase in complaints about prerecorded voice calls beginning in 2015, reaching a peak in 2019. Complaints regarding live voice calls fluctuated, while abandoned calls saw their highest numbers in 2020. In 2022, complaints about text messages rose sharply, but those figures have declined in 2023 and are expected to decrease further in 2024.
The racial demographics in the 812 area code show that a large majority, approximately 91.9%, identify as White. Black or African American individuals make up about 4.3% of the population, while Asians represent roughly 2.4%. A very small percentage, about 0.06%, are Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, and around 1.3% identify as Some Other Race. This suggests a predominantly White population, with much smaller representation from other racial groups.
Household income in the 812 area code has shown a steady increase over the years, starting from approximately $47,108 in 2012 and rising to about $65,234 in 2022. During this same period, the national median income also grew, but the gap between the two figures has fluctuated. In 2012, the median income in the 812 area was slightly below the national average, but by 2022, it was still lower than the national median of $66,930. This trend suggests that while incomes in the 812 area code are improving, they remain below the national level.
Population in the 812 area code totals 2,208,222, reflecting a nearly even split between genders. There are 1,100,217 males and 1,108,005 females, resulting in a sex ratio of 101.13 males for every 100 females. The median age is about 41 years, which is slightly below the national median of 41.1 years, indicating a mature population but still a youthful vibe overall. This area encompasses 40 unique counties, with notable populations in Butler County, housing 388,327 residents, Vanderburgh County with 179,900, and Johnson County coming in at 161,952. Population trends have shown steady increases, rising from 2,136,835 in 2012 to the current total, highlighting ongoing growth in this region. Demographic trends within the area suggest diverse age groups, offering a mix of youth and older adults. The balance between males and females supports a vibrant community atmosphere, while the growth in population points to an appealing locale for potential newcomers. The region's consistent upward population trajectory reinforces its appeal compared to national trends, as many parts of the country experience slower growth.
Workforce statistics for area code 812 show a decline in the labor force participation rate from 63.5% in 2012 to 61.6% in 2022, which is higher than the national averages of 60.6% in 2012 and 58.5% in 2022. The employment to population ratio has seen a slight increase, reaching 59.3% by 2022, above the national average of 55.2% for the same year. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate in area code 812 significantly decreased from 8.56% in 2012 to 3.73% in 2022, compared to a national average of 5.19% in 2022. These trends indicate a strengthening job market in this region despite fewer individuals actively participating in the workforce.
Indiana (IN)
Evansville, IN
"Rea****g out about your missed filings and some time sensitive programs that can help you get caught up without penalty"
For sign on with eligibility SSI, Therefore they want all your information about you.
Heard typing in the background, but didn't speak
Can't understand him not from America and want me. To. Join so****ing
Unsolicited text
Noy a dpammer
Hi Friend
Call everyday if you visit website
to talk to my mom
to talk to my mom
Hope you have a great day. I noticed a number saved in my phone contacts without a name. I'm Amelia. Who is he? ❤️
I have submitted a comment already. However, I get a lot of text messages for my address to be able to deliver a package.
"This call cannot be completed as dialed, please try a***n." I receive at the most 15-20 spam calls every day. I block em, then when I have around 6 pages of scammers, I deleat. I wish there is help for this very serious aggravion. I have serious health issues, and it's hard to tolerate. Thank you.
Didn’t answer
Text with a photo of kitten waving and text that said "Hi"