Learn more about this area code and exchange and where the caller may be located.
The phone exchange is the three digits after the area code and before the extension. An example is (812) 296-XXXX where 296 is the exchange number. It enables telephone line extensions to be interconnected in a local area based on a specific geographic assignment.
The (812) 296 exchange is located within the 812 area code in Vincennes-Washington, IN. It connects landline numbers from the AT&T Mobility carrier in Martin county. Associated zip codes include 47553.
Potentially, callers could keep their phone numbers even if they move away, so a caller may be located in Vincennes-Washington, IN or elsewhere. You can use a reverse phone lookup to help find the registered address for a potential caller.
(812) 296-5245
No msg left.
(812) 296-5245
Food card. They have called me 12 times today and it’s 2 pm.
(812) 296-5245
Wanted to know if I have received a food card
(812) 296-5245
(812) 296-5245
Something about a loan if they could use $1,000
(812) 296-5245
They called me and said I was approved for a $10,000 loan at 7% APR and would pay $100 a month for 6 months and told me to call another number and I will get my funds but I did give them my account number then I s****ed thinking about it and I'm not sure if it is a scam but it sounds too good to be true.
(812) 296-5245
Calls and calls, never a message
(812) 296-5368
Don’t bother answering
(812) 296-6851
(812) 296-6999
Random text message of "What are you doing?"
(812) 296-6458
Received 3 calls from this number today. No messages left. Answered it once, hung up after long delay with no response from caller.
(812) 296-5338
Anonymous reported this number as SPAM on August 22, 2022
(812) 296-3866
Hey Dr. Eisen! Long time no see my old friend. I'm Cody. Let's have dinner together when you have time! Do you like French or Italian? Or Chinese? 😎
(812) 296-3368
Thanks for nothing number guru. You SUC****!!
(812) 296-3368
Thanks for nothing number guru. You SUC****!!