Los Angeles
91316, 91335, 91401, 91402
Van Nuys, CA
34° 11' 21.6", -118° 27' 0.42"
The number (818) 474-1474 is a Landline line managed by Onvoy, hailing from Van Nuys, CA, or the surrounding area. A total of 2033 look-ups have been done for this number. 23 comments exist from users, with the freshest one posted on July 15th, 2024. This number holds a spam level of 100%. For additional in-depth data, look below.
Want to learn more? Check the (818) 474-1474 FAQ
A phone number may have multiple owners due to a shared/family plan, or a transferral of ownership
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FraudScan Score
Fraud Risk
Legitimate User Activity
Likely a legitimate number (not fraud)
Valid Number
Prepaid Number
Active Status
Do not Call Status
Not On DNC List
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Potential SPAM / Scam Caller Please use caution!
User Score
Spam Score
100% Spam Risk
Leaked in Breach
Search Volume
Very High
2033 Searches
by our users
Nuisance Call Scan
Unwanted Caller
6 Complaints
by our users
VoIP Number
Yes, Use Caution
Recent Abuse
Risk Level
This number has been reported as spam 6 times, has been searched 2033 times, and has garnered 23 comments by our users. These numbers are higher than average, indicating a possible high risk of spam.
User comments suggest the phone number (818) 474-1474 may be connected to a party line or chat service, notably for social interactions and making connections. A few comments hint it could be used for adult conversations and potential spam activity. While some users appreciate it for meeting new people, others express concern over unhealthy usage and negative experiences.
This summary is generated by artificial intelligence (AI) based on experiences reported by users. While we strive for accuracy, user experiences cannot be validated and may contain inaccuracies.
Learn more about this phone number and where the caller may be located.
Area code 818 covers a diverse demographic region within Los Angeles County, including nearly 10 million residents. According to public data sources, the population reflects a balanced gender distribution and a median age of approximately 37 years, which is younger than the national average. The area's economic trends are positive, with a steady increase in median household income, notably surpassing national figures. The labor force participation rate remains robust, consistently above the national average, highlighting a thriving job market.
In the 818 area code, FCC complaint data reveals shifting communication patterns over recent years. Wireless/mobile complaints, once the most common, have declined, particularly in 2023. Wired communication complaints have shown variability, while VoIP issues remain minimal. Unwanted call complaints, such as prerecorded voice calls, peaked in 2018 but have since decreased. Text message complaints rose sharply in 2022, though unwanted telemarketing issues have largely disappeared since their height in 2015. These FCC complaint metrics provide critical insights into changing consumer communication preferences and challenges in the 818 area code.
AI Disclaimer: This content was generated by artificial intelligence (AI) based on publicly available government data. While we strive for accuracy, the data may be out of date and/or subject to change
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People are Saying:
(818) 474-1474
This number is die
(818) 474-1474
(818) 474-1474
Does anyone even use this anymore ????
(818) 474-1474
It's ok
(818) 474-1474
My social has had su****ions activity
(818) 474-1474
Let's have some fun
(818) 474-1474
(818) 474-1474
Hi there 5 6 hazel eyes Hispanic
(818) 474-1474
(818) 474-1474
"A" UP
(818) 474-1474
Ers chill
(818) 474-1474
***k burros clanton ese ***kin burrita bk vnk 18k mierdak veggiek ****sk svk nhlsk 38k pfk gbzk pbsk tvrk ratk lstk gwk rbgk dfok dstk wstk ***k all *****s funkies french fries *****ies nortek BIG 14 STREET CX4 CLANSTER GANG lil necio 4 tls north holly hood baby haha CEe 4 TEen ST
(818) 474-1474
(818) 474-1474
That *** A** B***h Name Swisher Sweet Needs To Be Booted Off The Pline She Only Calls It To Get Guys To Hook Her Up Bud And tweak So That B***h Needs To Kick Rocks.
(818) 474-1474
let me **** yew ****y and f***
(818) 474-1474
I want a teen chat line
(818) 474-1474
This is the best p line for *********!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$$$$$&$$$!!!!!!$$$$$$$$!!$$$$&$$$$!!!$$!!!!$$$@&$)@"&$! Bggghbgfddtibdeygswwhofeiogsssssgkkhrsssssssssssssujuyyyyyyyyyiuuuooopz11431233-1245781947414$4
(818) 474-1474
Im a ***** girl and i love to get ****ed down all the time with fine guys off the p line this place can be use to ur advantige if u know how to play the guys mind just call the number and open ur legs
(818) 474-1474
were abunch of kids argue over an over
(818) 474-1474
I dont know but they call me looowprooo!!!! hahahahahaahhaahah yo the p line is the best and worst thing that happen to me i met so meny cute girls an alot of cool people to this very moment i still **** out with some people i met is funny that ive also have a incounter with people that lives is ruen becouse the p line alot of them just met the bad croude of the p line alot of baby's were also made becouse of the p line some cases i quess it was good but alot of them were but i think is becouse those who mostly call are a young croude so u know how that go's an some poeple actuly stay on the fone for hours and hours talking on the p thats not healthy well i dont think it is and the p line made me meet the boss that i work for right now and the woman im with also thanksss p..
(818) 474-1474
Hey was up im lowpro an i been using ur line an i think is dope expecily the group chat ive met so meny people already an its help me make more frend and more of a people person i remember when i first called it i was a tipe of guy u could talk over with no problem and guys were taken over my chat with other girls but after a few girl taken from me i learnd to be aggresive and to be my self thats how u get thIs chicks what im trying to say is the party line is a great place to practice on talking with real girls in the st. And bilds ur confidens up so if theres a posibility that the owner of the P line reeds this hey man thanks if theres eneything i could help u out with im ur man remember the name is lowpro
(818) 474-1474
LOL!! thats the 818 party line chat room
(818) 474-1474
ramdom people talking