Learn more about this area code and exchange and where the caller may be located.
The phone exchange is the three digits after the area code and before the extension. An example is (828) 649-XXXX where 649 is the exchange number. It enables telephone line extensions to be interconnected in a local area based on a specific geographic assignment.
The (828) 649 exchange is located within the 828 area code in Asheville-Hendersonville, NC. It connects landline numbers from the Frontier carrier in Madison county. Associated zip codes include 28753.
Potentially, callers could keep their phone numbers even if they move away, so a caller may be located in Asheville-Hendersonville, NC or elsewhere. You can use a reverse phone lookup to help find the registered address for a potential caller.
(828) 649-7178
Email I received had this phone number to call to cancel or dispute a transaction made for $585.99 to a bitcoin outlet in MN. Email heading had ‘Albertsons Retail of’ and had a PayPal logo on the page. Obviously a scam email attempting to get you to call the phone number.
(828) 649-7178
Requesting payment for undefined merchandise under the PayPal logo
(828) 649-7178
BeatBuy Geek Squad 1 year renewal( which I have never had) for $389.00,
(828) 649-7452
Hello! I am Kanika from Flex-Job Recruitment. Can I send you the job details, please?
(828) 649-6351
says i ordered 700.00 dollars in bitcoin. i did not.
(828) 649-6170
Yup, multiple requests from different people for $99.99 through Venmo...pure BS!!!
(828) 649-6170
called about 5 emails received, each saying you owed $99.99. This phone number was available if needed. I called the number, and they wanted me to allow them to access my PC. I hung up and turn off my PC. Not sure why they wanted to access my PC, they said that they would give me cancel code for the emails.
(828) 649-7874
Got a text just worried they can track my location
(828) 649-7254
I just got $10,000 from a man Ryan Steffey. He loads money into my cashapp. Y’all click on the name and text your cashapp, chime, paypal, or greendot to him for money loading. Text him (828) 649-7254
(828) 649-7254
(828) 649-7655
(828) 649-7452
Good morning my love
(828) 649-7254
There is a person that is using this number and they will say they are one of your friends that you have not talked to in a long time and have there name too and then what you to give them money in the form of bitcoins and every other why too. Do not believe them they are scamming you they are no your friend or someone you know they will even say things on how you meet and everything to make it look like it is really. This person will promise you a great paying job and not give what they promise.
(828) 649-1209
Whole town been in her business so she started stealing identity
(828) 649-1209
Blurry speech bc and it’s bc she had a d..k in her mouth