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About 831 Area Code:
This area code serves a diverse population in central California. The socioeconomic landscape varies greatly. Salinas is the largest city, with over 163,542 residents.
Watsonville is known for agriculture, while Santa Cruz is more tech-savvy. In recent years, wildfires have caused extensive damage in this region. The state as a whole has lost around $60 billion in income each year between 2017 and 2021. Other big news stories include the losses caused by supply chain disruptions and labor shortages in the key agriculture sector.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
4:32:14 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-7 |
(831) 244-0839
Total searches: 618
(831) 290-9460
Total searches: 546
(831) 223-4347
Total searches: 520
(831) 290-4821
Total searches: 516
(831) 709-7754
Total searches: 504
(831) 794-2852
Total searches: 468
(831) 383-7183
Total searches: 463
(831) 256-7175
Total searches: 451
(831) 204-4718
Total searches: 402
(831) 756-4093
Total searches: 392
(831) 406-3256
Total searches: 381
(831) 226-1085
Total searches: 350
(831) 707-3514
Total searches: 350
(831) 244-1309
Total searches: 350
(831) 216-0240
Total searches: 326
ZIP Codes:
38 zip codes Found Check all codes
In the 831 area code, most FCC complaints have come from wireless or mobile calls, especially high in 2017 and 2018. Complaints from wired and VOIP methods have varied, but all types have seen a significant drop since 2019. This suggests that residents are changing how they report their issues to the FCC over the years.
The 831 area code has seen a significant rise in complaints about unwanted calls over the years. Beginning with very few complaints in 2014, numbers peaked at 311 in 2018, then gradually fell to 94 by 2023. There was also a sharp increase in telemarketing complaints in 2015, but none have been reported since 2017. Robocalls were only a minor issue, with a couple of complaints noted in the early years, but they disappeared from reports after 2015.
The 831 area code has experienced notable shifts in FCC complaints across different call types from 2014 to 2024. Complaints regarding prerecorded voice calls peaked in 2018, with a total of 153, while live voice complaints reached their highest point in 2015, totaling 97. There have been no reports of abandoned call complaints since 2021, especially from 2022 onward. Text message complaints varied over the years, hitting a high of 23 in 2022 before declining in 2023.
The 831 area code has a racial demographic mostly consisting of White individuals, accounting for nearly 64% of the population. Black or African American residents make up about 2%, while Asian individuals represent just over 6%. A notable percentage, nearly 28%, falls under the category of Some Other Race. The presence of Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander individuals is relatively small, at about 0.4%.
Household income in the 831 area code has shown significant growth over the years, starting at approximately $60,446 in 2012 and rising to about $102,257.50 by 2022. This consistent increase reflects a trend where the median income in this area surpasses the national median, which has also risen, but at a slower pace. In 2022, the national median income was around $66,930, still lower than the income level in the 831 area code. The data highlights a substantial gap between local income growth and the national average over the years.
Population in the 831 area code totals 984,538, with a gender distribution that shows 496,662 males and 487,876 females. The sex ratio stands at 101.55 males for every 100 females, indicating a slight male majority in this region. The median age of 36.625 years is notably younger than the national median age of 41.1 years, suggesting a more youthful population overall. Monterey County dominates within the area, with a population of 437,609, followed by Santa Cruz County at 268,571 and Butte County at 213,605. The 831 area encompasses four different counties, illustrating a diverse demographic landscape. Between 2012 and 2022, the population has gradually increased, reaching its peak of 993,565 in 2019 before experiencing a slight decline. This trend shows a stable yet fluctuating pattern in population growth, reflecting regional dynamics and potential shifts in demographic factors. The 831 area code not only contributes significantly to California’s population but also offers a younger demographic compared to national averages.
Labor force participation rate in 831 has varied over the years, with a high of 63.9% in 2012 and recent levels stabilizing around 62%. The employment to population ratio indicates an upward trend, peaking at 58.5% in 2021, signifying more individuals in the area are finding jobs. Unemployment rates have seen a positive decline from 11.85% in 2012 to 6.13% in 2022. These metrics highlight a steady improvement in employment conditions, especially when compared to national averages, which remain lower in all categories.
California (CA)
San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara
San Benito
San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA
Automated system that is faulty won't pick up when you call back it just rings
I just saw that it was mark spam 9 times but other people and I marked it spam
Told me they were from Medicare. And then told me I was rude for asking. Ha....
I found a debit charge on my account that I don't recognize.
Keep 100% of the fare - I drive Uber and Lyft
I owe back taxes and they can provide relief. I do not owe any back taxes so this is spam.
They wanted me to c****e my business addresses.
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I posted on Reddit for a loan and this person asked for my photo id gave them my phone number they texted asked for my cash app then said they were busy at work. They are just collecting personal info
Jail call from inmate
Text message said "Hey, are you busy?" when asked who it was no response.
They said they were charging me to fix my computer that I never bought.
where are you
Additional benefits to my SSA amount up to $2041.00 a year!