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About 843 Area Code:
This area code covers eastern South Carolina, including cities like Charleston and Myrtle Beach, and touches 20 counties. Charleston, a key city in the 843 area code, has a rapidly growing population. The region’s population is expanding three times faster than the national average, reaching over 849,000 residents.
This surge is fueled by a continuous influx of young, educated professionals seeking employment or starting businesses in this business-friendly community. The region is rich in cultural and historical significance. From its sun-soaked beaches and lush marshlands to its numerous landmarks and historical sites, the area provides a unique blend of natural beauty and historical depth. Major attractions include the historic district in Charleston and the vibrant beachside activities at Myrtle Beach.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
7:52:32 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-4 |
(843) 410-4373
Total searches: 1028
(843) 256-6246
Total searches: 660
(843) 279-4129
Total searches: 657
(843) 874-8738
Total searches: 639
(843) 350-9954
Total searches: 605
(843) 350-8567
Total searches: 505
(843) 639-6009
Total searches: 500
(843) 226-7039
Total searches: 447
(843) 504-3246
Total searches: 444
(843) 319-1187
Total searches: 385
(843) 252-0388
Total searches: 351
(843) 409-2409
Total searches: 349
(843) 699-3035
Total searches: 349
(843) 603-6439
Total searches: 346
(843) 242-9722
Total searches: 330
South Carolina
ZIP Codes:
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In the 843 area code, complaints to the FCC have varied over the years from 2014 to 2024 across different contact methods. Wireless/mobile complaints started at 13 in 2014, peaked at 451 in 2018, and then dropped in later years. Wired complaints remained steady, while VOIP complaints reached their highest point in 2020 before declining in the following years. Overall, the trends show noticeable changes in complaint numbers depending on the method used.
The 843 area code has seen notable changes in complaints about unwanted calls over the years. Complaints peaked in 2017 with 564 reports and reached 612 in 2018. After that, the numbers have fluctuated, with 306 complaints recorded in 2022 and 199 in 2023. Telemarketing complaints surged in 2015 but have not been reported since, while robocalls experienced a peak in 2015 and have not been a concern in recent years.
Area code 843 has seen shifting trends in FCC complaints by call type from 2014 to 2024. Prerecorded voice complaints reached a high of 333 in 2017, while live voice complaints peaked in 2018 with 166. There were also years, such as 2014 and 2022, when no abandoned calls were reported, and text message complaints climbed to 56 in 2022. These observations highlight how the nature of complaints has evolved over the years.
The 843 area code shows a majority population of White residents at about 67%. Black or African American individuals make up around 29% of the population, indicating a significant presence in the community. Asian residents account for approximately 1.4%, while Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders are less than 0.1%. Some Other Races represent about 2.8% of the area's demographics.
The median household income for the 843 area code has shown a general increase from 2012 to 2022, starting at $37,464 and rising to $55,047.50. However, the income levels consistently fall below the national median income during this period, which began at $47,301 and reached $66,930. The gap between the area code's median income and the national average narrowed in recent years, particularly by 2021 and 2022. As of 2022, the 843 area code's income was still approximately $11,882.50 less than the national median income.
Area code 843 encompasses a diverse population of 2,060,184 individuals. Among them, there are 1,006,347 males and 1,053,837 females, leading to a sex ratio of 96.6 males for every 100 females. This signifies a slightly higher number of females compared to males in the region. The median age here is approximately 41.8 years, which is a bit older than the national median age of 41.1 years. Charleston County stands out with the highest population within this area code, reaching 409,840 residents. Horry County follows with a population of 356,578, while Berkeley County has 231,419 residents, effectively highlighting the demographic significance of these counties. A total of 19 unique counties make up the population covered by area code 843, showcasing a range of communities and environments. Population growth has been steady, rising from 1,830,311 in 2012 to the current figure. This consistent increase suggests a thriving area with potential for continued development and changes in community dynamics.
Area code 843 experienced a steady decline in the labor force participation rate, decreasing from 57.9% in 2012 to 55.5% in 2022. The employment to population ratio peaked at 51.3% in 2019 and ended at 51.1% in 2022, reflecting minor fluctuations during this period. The unemployment rate significantly improved, falling from 12.72% in 2012 to 6.33% in 2022. Compared to national averages, 843's labor force participation and employment ratios are below the national levels, while the unemployment rate has become more favorable over the years.
South Carolina (SC)
Charleston-North Charleston
Charleston, Berkeley
Charleston, SC
Repeated calls
Prank call
Seeing if I’m interested in selling a house if there’s a waiting buyer
They send nasty pictures
They send nasty pictures
Sent fraudulent check - wanted photography services
buying houses
Package held due to incomplete address click on link to update address
I received several text messages that they already had the information to on my application. Several texts were sent and always around the same time each morning.
Asked to be friends
ALORICA is hiring Work at Home Agent with pay range from $15=$16/hour. Reply with your EMAIL if interested for a video interview. If you prefer to no longer receive messages from this company please respond with STOP.
Lexi's new number
ALORICA is hiring Work at Home Agent with a pay range from $13-$16/hour. Reply with your EMAIL if interested for a video interview. If you prefer to no longer receive messages from this company, please respond with STOP.
Sent fraudulent check for Photography services