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About 847 Area Code:
The 847 area code serves northeastern Illinois, covering key cities such as Elgin, Waukegan, Arlington Heights, Evanston, and Schaumburg.
It falls within the Central Time Zone and overlaps with the 224 area code. Landmarks in this region include Northwestern University, a key employer and world-renowned research institution, as well as Arlington Park (formerly known as Arlington International Racecourse) and Woodfield Mall, one of the largest malls in the US, which attracts more than 27 million visitors each year.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
6:34:35 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-5 |
(847) 426-8085
Total searches: 2628
(847) 383-4985
Total searches: 2145
(847) 348-1018
Total searches: 1634
(847) 814-0555
Total searches: 1397
(847) 426-9203
Total searches: 1379
(847) 595-5235
Total searches: 1318
(847) 512-3362
Total searches: 1010
(847) 284-0155
Total searches: 706
(847) 305-1849
Total searches: 631
(847) 250-1450
Total searches: 536
(847) 320-0320
Total searches: 423
(847) 320-9828
Total searches: 416
(847) 426-9138
Total searches: 374
(847) 257-8339
Total searches: 362
(847) 257-8326
Total searches: 353
ZIP Codes:
67 zip codes Found Check all codes
In area code 847, the number of FCC complaints has changed greatly from 2014 to 2024 based on the method of call. Wireless/mobile complaints peaked in 2018 with 501 complaints, while wired complaints were highest in 2015 with 342. Since those peaks, there has been a clear decline in complaints for all methods, especially in wireless/mobile calls in recent years, which may indicate an improvement in user experience or a decrease in complaint activity.
The 847 area code has experienced changes in complaints related to unwanted calls over the years. Telemarketing issues reached a high point in 2015, with 472 complaints, but have not been reported since 2017. Robocalls were also a concern in 2015, peaking at 158 complaints, yet these have also declined significantly after 2017. Starting in 2016, there was a noticeable increase in overall unwanted call complaints, with some reports continuing in the years that followed.
The area code 847 has seen noticeable shifts in the types of FCC complaints from 2014 to 2024. Prerecorded voice complaints peaked in 2018 with a total of 279, while live voice complaints soared in 2015 with 259 reported instances. Abandoned calls were frequent in both 2015 and 2018, but these complaints have dropped to zero since 2022. Text message complaints have remained relatively low, showing a slight uptick in recent years.
The 847 area code shows a racial demographic breakdown where the majority of the population is White, accounting for about 62% of residents. Black or African American individuals make up nearly 19% of the population. Asians represent nearly 9%, while Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander individuals are a very small part at about 0.05%. Approximately 10% of the population falls under "Some Other Race," indicating a diverse community within the area.
Area code 847 covers a population of 7,735,015, with males numbering 3,809,153 and females 3,925,862. This leads to a sex ratio of about 99 males for every 100 females, indicating a balanced gender representation. The median age in this region is approximately 39.5 years, which is younger than the national median age of 41.1 years. Cook County is the most populous, containing 5,225,367 residents, followed by DuPage County at 930,559 and Lake County at 713,159. Together, these counties make up the bulk of the population within the area code. Population growth has been generally positive over the years, peaking at 7,781,154 in 2021 before experiencing a small decline. The demographic trends demonstrate a stable community spread across six counties, with a notable diversity in population. With the younger median age compared to the national average, area code 847 shows promise for continued growth and vitality within its communities.
Labor force participation in the 847 area code decreased from 69.0% in 2012 to 67.2% in 2022, while the employment to population ratio experienced growth, peaking at 63.1% in both 2019 and 2020. The unemployment rate saw significant improvement, declining from 9.82% in 2012 to 5.78% in 2019, and remained relatively stable at 5.8% in 2022. Comparatively, national averages were lower for both labor force participation and employment to population ratios during this time, indicating that the 847 area code had a stronger local job market performance. The overall trends suggest a positive recovery in employment conditions in the area during this period.
Illinois (IL)
Chicago, IL
Who are these scammers. Talking they know my family. They with the Mexican cartel . I have to pay a fee
Who are these scammers. Talking they know my family. They with the Mexican cartel . I have to pay a fee
Threats about paying money or they would find me and my family. Sent my name and address to me.
Called regarding a ticket I got early January
Blackmail stating they knew where I lived and if I didn’t pay I would meet their organization. Don’t know who it is other than so****ing about an ****** service. Kept calling and texting.
Threatning/ blackmailing for money
Calling from chase bank about my aco****
They were threatening phone calls!!!
***** Threats
Called asking about a family member. Wouldn’t give any information except for personal matter. Asked if this was a parent which I found odd.
Blackmail ***** threats SMH
Said calling about your inquiry call between these hours. ****ese accent
Listed as my voicemail number but this is not my number!
Threats about paying money or they would find me and my family. Sent my name and address to me. By
March 25th, 2025 4:24pm