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About 857 Area Code:
The 857 area code is essential for the Boston Metropolitan area, covering key locations like Cambridge, Quincy, and Somerville. This area code overlays the long-standing 617 area code to meet the rising demand for phone numbers as the population grows.
In recent years, interesting initiatives from this area include Harvard University’s sustainable technology programs and efforts to address climate change. Meanwhile, research in artificial intelligence at MIT has continued to make breakthroughs, including using deep learning to identify a new class of compounds that are effective against a drug-resistant bacterium responsible for over 10,000 deaths annually in the United States.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
7:32:14 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-4 |
(857) 239-5285
Total searches: 1086
(857) 264-5634
Total searches: 984
(857) 264-5351
Total searches: 934
(857) 226-2832
Total searches: 837
(857) 465-3068
Total searches: 821
(857) 247-2757
Total searches: 820
(857) 249-4757
Total searches: 818
(857) 318-8426
Total searches: 719
(857) 576-2997
Total searches: 666
(857) 271-6747
Total searches: 580
(857) 425-3903
Total searches: 553
(857) 220-7230
Total searches: 551
(857) 209-8486
Total searches: 506
(857) 365-6337
Total searches: 459
(857) 220-7253
Total searches: 452
ZIP Codes:
40 zip codes Found Check all codes
In the 857 area code, complaints to the FCC have changed from 2014 to 2024, with wireless/mobile complaints remaining the highest each year, especially peaking in 2017. Wired and VOIP complaints have had more variation. This shows that concerns about different communication methods have shifted among residents over time.
The 857 area code has experienced a sharp rise in complaints about unwanted calls over the years. While there were only a few complaints in 2014, the numbers jumped dramatically to 274 by 2017 and have stayed relatively high since then, with 94 complaints recorded in 2023. Complaints related to telemarketing and robocalls have been minimal, showing little to no activity in recent years. Overall, unwanted calls have become the main concern for residents in this area code.
Complaints in area code 857 about different types of calls have changed a lot from 2014 to 2024. The highest number of prerecorded voice complaints occurred in 2017, peaking at 113, while live voice complaints were more common in earlier years. Text message complaints saw an increase, reaching a peak of 27 in 2022 before dropping to 15 in 2023. Abandoned calls have been rare, with no reports in the last few years.
The 857 area code has a majority population of 72.4% White individuals. The Black or African American community makes up about 10.1% of the population, while Asians represent 12.8%. A small percentage, around 0.05%, identifies as Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, and 4.6% of the population is classified as Some Other Race.
Population within the 857 area code currently stands at 3,130,664, marking significant growth from 2,904,138 in 2012. The male population is recorded at 1,533,666, while females number 1,596,998. With a sex ratio of about 95.4 males for every 100 females, there is a slightly higher female presence in this area. The median age is approximately 37.7 years, which is notably younger than the national median age of 41.1 years. Middlesex County is the largest contributor to the area's population, housing 1,623,109 residents. Following it are Suffolk County with a population of 785,443 and Norfolk County at 722,112. These three counties each play a role in the growing and diverse community within the area code. The demographics show different social dynamics, particularly the younger median age compared to the nation. This environment can influence various aspects such as education, workforce participation, and community services, reflecting the unique character of the 857 area code's population.
Workforce statistics for area code 857 display a steady labor force participation rate around 69% from 2012 to 2022, significantly higher than the national average of approximately 58%. The employment to population ratio increased consistently, peaking at 66.1% in 2019 before experiencing a minor decline in later years. The unemployment rate dropped to 4.8% in 2019, indicating a healthier job market compared to the national average, which hovered around 9%. These figures suggest a robust workforce environment in area code 857 relative to broader trends in the country.
Massachusetts (MA)
Boston, MA
Whatya doin’?
Asked if I was still interested in an offer
Hey [my formal given name], It's Omar. I just wanted to reach back out and see if you are still interested in an offer on [my address]?
Are you interested in an offer on your home.
See if I was still interested in an offer on my home-knew my home address
Nothing didn't answer it
Random phone call, caller OD showed up as: NIDS
They ***g up after I answered.
Random phone call, caller id showed up as: Nids
Knew my first name and address and asked if I would be interested to receive an offer on my condo
SMS message asking if I am "open to an offer on (my address)" addressing me by name.
wants to buy property knows first name and property address
Wants to know if I’m interested in an offer on my condo, knows my first name and address
wanted to buy my house
Same text as above.