40324, 40383, 40384, 40390
Versailles, KY
38° 3' 9.27", -84° 43' 47.81"
The phone number 859-873-3111 belongs to Bluegrass Community Hospital, located at 360 Amsden Avenue in Versailles, Kentucky. This hospital is classified as a critical access hospital and offers emergency services. The area code 859 serves parts of Kentucky, including cities like Lexington and Florence, and is known for its close-knit communities. If you receive calls or messages from this number, it may be related to hospital services or upcoming appointments. In recent years, phone scams have become common, where scammers impersonate hospitals or medical personnel. It is important to verify the identity of the caller if you receive suspicious communications. Always ensure that the caller is indeed from the hospital by hanging up and calling the number directly.
Want to learn more? Check the (859) 873-3111 FAQ
A phone number may have multiple owners due to a shared/family plan, or a transferral of ownership
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Likely a legitimate number (not fraud)
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Prepaid Number
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0% Spam Risk
Leaked in Breach
Search Volume
17 Searches
by our users
Nuisance Call Scan
Low Risk
0 Complaints
by our users
VoIP Number
Recent Abuse
Risk Level
Not Risky
This number has been reported as spam 0 times, has been searched 17 times, and has garnered 0 comments by our users. These numbers do not indicate a high potential spam risk, but report if suspected.
Learn more about this phone number and where the caller may be located.
In area code 859, according to public data sources, population growth is evident, with over 1.2 million residents now calling this area home. The area is predominantly White, accounting for approximately 89% of the population, while smaller percentages represent other races. The region displays a rising economic trend, with median household incomes showing a steady increase, although they remain slightly below the national average. Demographically, the area skews younger, with a median age of roughly 40 years.
Communication patterns in the 859 area code reveal shifting preferences and concerns. FCC complaint metrics from 2014 to 2023 highlight a significant rise in wireless or mobile complaints, peaking in 2018. Conversely, wired complaint numbers have generally declined. Issues reflect a growing reliance on mobile services over wired options. Prerecorded voice call complaints surged but later fluctuated, whereas text message complaints have become more prominent recently. Meanwhile, telemarketing complaints once peaked but have since disappeared entirely. Robocalls showed similar trends, with high activity mid-decade and subsequent decline.
AI Disclaimer: This content was generated by artificial intelligence (AI) based on publicly available government data. While we strive for accuracy, the data may be out of date and/or subject to change
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