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About 863 Area Code:
Area code 863 serves over one million people in central Florida. Average household values are estimated at $65,455.
Economic drivers in this area include local government, private companies, and not-for-profit organizations. Major cities include Lakeland, Winter Haven, and Haines City. Recent developments in this region include a 1,016,080 square feet Amazon distribution center in Lakeland, while Haines City has been singled out as one of the fastest-growing real estate markets in the country.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
7:25:12 PM | Tue, March, 25, 2025 | UTC/GMT-4 |
(863) 532-7969
Total searches: 3610
(863) 228-8775
Total searches: 1999
(863) 223-4756
Total searches: 754
(863) 269-2397
Total searches: 680
(863) 457-3749
Total searches: 661
(863) 201-4646
Total searches: 603
(863) 534-0499
Total searches: 599
(863) 535-6974
Total searches: 572
(863) 356-1595
Total searches: 560
(863) 855-6503
Total searches: 538
(863) 265-2301
Total searches: 483
(863) 250-8467
Total searches: 462
(863) 456-3618
Total searches: 448
(863) 514-7920
Total searches: 421
(863) 354-6741
Total searches: 416
ZIP Codes:
49 zip codes Found Check all codes
In area code 863, the number of FCC complaints has changed a lot over the years. From 2014 to 2018, there was a big increase in complaints made through wireless/mobile methods. After hitting a high point in 2018, the number of these complaints has been going down, especially in 2024. Complaints made by wired and VOIP methods have also varied, showing that consumer concerns and preferences are shifting.
The 863 area code has experienced significant changes in complaints made to the FCC about unwanted calls over the years. In 2014, there were no reports, but a peak occurred in 2018 with 268 complaints about unwanted calls. Telemarketing complaints saw a sharp rise in 2015 but have not been reported since then. Additionally, robocalls were an issue in 2015 but have not been a concern since 2017, reflecting a shift in the types of complaints coming from this region.
In 863, the number of complaints to the FCC has varied across different types of calls over the years. Complaints about prerecorded voice calls peaked in 2015 but have largely declined since then. Live voice complaints have shown more stability, while concerns about abandoned calls were highest in 2015 and have fluctuated since then, with some years reporting no abandoned calls at all. Notably, complaints regarding text messages saw a significant rise in 2022 and 2023, indicating a shift in the issues consumers are experiencing.
The 863 area code has a majority population of White individuals, making up nearly 70% of the demographic. Black or African American residents account for approximately 14.5%, while Asian residents represent about 2.2%. A small portion, nearly 0.05%, identifies as Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, and around 13.5% falls under Some Other Race. This shows a diverse but predominantly White community in the 863 area.
The median household income for the 863 area code showed consistent growth from 2012 to 2022, starting at $38,324 and rising to $53,886. Throughout these years, the area code's income remained below the national median, which increased from $47,301 to $66,930 in the same period. The gap between the local and national median incomes narrowed over time, indicating improvements in the economic situation within the area. By 2022, despite the increase, the 863 area code's median income was still approximately $13,000 lower than the national average.
The area covered by the 863 area code has a population of 1,384,050, showcasing a fairly balanced distribution between genders with 692,448 males and 691,602 females. This results in a sex ratio of roughly 113.4 males for every 100 females, reflecting a higher male presence in the region. With a median age of approximately 41.3 years, it is slightly older than the national median age of 41.1. This age statistic indicates a mature population, which may influence local culture and community services. Polk County stands out as the largest within the area, boasting a population of 736,229, followed by Osceola County at 393,745 and Highlands County with 102,339 residents. Overall, the region comprises eight unique counties, contributing to a diverse community landscape. The growth in population has been steadily increasing over the years, mirroring trends seen in other populous areas of Florida. The demographic statistics highlight characteristics that may impact local economic development and social programs.
The labor force participation rate in the 863 area code decreased from 54.2% in 2012 to 51.4% in 2022. Employment to population ratios experienced slight changes, beginning at 46.6% and rising to 48.1% over the same period. The unemployment rate improved significantly, decreasing from 13.98% to 6.55%. These statistics are generally lower than national averages, which consistently show stronger workforce metrics during these years.
Florida (FL)
Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL
Basically all these calls are spam if it's from your area code or one near. They are s****ing someone else's number to avoid being detected and look like they are calling from near you. Every scam call I've answered says it's from my area, but turns out to being from India.Unless a number is a contact or it says "Verified", it's getting declined. Any legitimate caller would leave a voicemail.
The number was included as the number to call to cancel a bill for Norton security software
went to voicemail and said i was on hold to speak to the next representative
The woman called and did not leave her name but said she had so****ing important to discuss with me and if I didn’t want to hear from her a***n to text no
Women said she had so****ing important to discuss with me and to text no if I didn’t want to hear from her a***n.
Caller was a woman who left a message saying I have so****ing very important to discuss with you. If you don't want to hear from me a***n text back "No".
“Please press one to speak to an agent to verify your Google business listing so we can make sure you are being found. Press nine or dial 877-502-4930 to opt out. thank you.”
My name is Mrs. Tammy Joy O'Dell (maiden name was Tammy Joy Wickett). I am finding that I am dealing with Iden***y Theft. I just found that there are 2 fraudulent home loans taken out (2014 & 2021 both in Michigan) in my maiden name. The iden***y theft is attached to a prior property I signed off in 3/11/2010 on address 1653 Riverside Dr. Rochester Hills, MI 48309. I am in the process of exposing, have turned fraud of on going iden***y theft to Sheriff Dept. here near my home I live in Sebring, Florida. My phone ends 1576.
Calls to my number on 4/2, 4/11, 4/12 x 2, 4/13 x 2, 4/15 x2, 4/16 x 2, 4/22 x 4, 4/24, and 4/26. Seems to be SPAM SPAM April 26, 2024
Calls to my number on 4/2, 4/11, 4/12 x 2, 4/13 x 2, 4/15 x2, 4/16 x 2, 4/22 x 4, 4/24, and 4/26. Seems to be SPAM
Glad I could finally reach you
Did not answer and no VM was left
SCAM!! Claimed to be USPS with a package for me that the address was missing from the package due to mishandling by USPS. They wanted me to send them my address and probably more once I gave my address.
Trying to sell insurance