Okeechobee, Highlands
33852, 34972, 34973, 34974
Okeechobee, FL
27° 14' 34.31", -80° 49' 44.96"
The phone number 863-763-2151 belongs to HCA Florida Raulerson Hospital, located in Okeechobee, Florida. The area code 863 covers parts of Central Florida, including counties like Polk and Highlands. Okeechobee, where the hospital is situated, is known for its rural community and proximity to Lake Okeechobee. People might receive calls from this number regarding hospital services, appointments, or medical information. While the hospital does not offer emergency services, it provides acute care. There have been reports of phone scams in the region, so it's advisable to verify any unsolicited calls. If you're getting messages from other numbers in the 863 area code, they might also be related to local healthcare facilities or service providers. It is essential to be cautious and ensure the legitimacy of the callers in this area.
Want to learn more? Check the (863) 763-2151 FAQ
A phone number may have multiple owners due to a shared/family plan, or a transferral of ownership
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Prepaid Number
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0% Spam Risk
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18 Searches
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Low Risk
0 Complaints
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VoIP Number
Yes, Use Caution
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This number has been reported as spam 0 times, has been searched 18 times, and has garnered 0 comments by our users. These numbers do not indicate a high potential spam risk, but report if suspected.
Learn more about this phone number and where the caller may be located.
Overview According to public data sources, the 863 area code encompasses a population of approximately 1.4 million, with a gender distribution slightly favoring males. The region, including prominent counties such as Polk, Osceola, and Highlands, exhibits diverse demographics, with a majority White population. Economic trends indicate a growing median income, though it remains below the national average, with the labor force participation rate reportedly lower than national metrics. The mature population and economic indicators suggest ongoing social evolution and development.
FCC complaint metrics for area code 863 reveal notable fluctuations over the years. Since 2014, wireless complaints surged until 2018, followed by a noticeable decline through 2024. Wired and VOIP methods demonstrated variability in complaints, highlighting shifting communication patterns. Complaints about prerecorded calls peaked in 2015 but diminished since, while text message complaints have notably risen recently. The transitioning nature of complaints reflects changes in regional consumer experiences and preferences.
AI Disclaimer: This content was generated by artificial intelligence (AI) based on publicly available government data. While we strive for accuracy, the data may be out of date and/or subject to change
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